Great News…and lots to pray about.

It’s a wrap..almost. June is the last month of our Sierra Bible Church fiscal calendar and “What an awesome way to wind down our year!” Our SBC Kids Team has Vacation Bible School (VBS) in full swing and it is awesome! We have hosted over 450 students and 150 leaders each day! Praise Jesus.
As a part of the Mission Center, our amazing volunteers were challenging our kids from God’s Word about ‘living with zeal’ to share the message of Jesus with those that don’t know Him, (Romans 12:11). Hearing this reminder caused me to ask myself, “Do I have that?” Standing in the back of the (packed full of children) Worship Center this morning with tears running down my face as Rachel shared the amazingly Good News about Jesus with kids from our community had me thinking… “Yup. I’ve got some zeal.” 
While VBS is amazing, we get the privilege to be ‘living with zeal’ every day in and through the ministry of Sierra Bible Church. From special events, baptisms, service opportunities in the community, our food pantry, mission trips and all of our regular programs we are participants and witnesses of God’s Story in the lives of real people. I find myself in Awe. Zeal and Awe. God is good. 

Built to Belong Update: we are a little over a month into construction and the project is moving along. The rough grading is complete (we had a little water out there!) and the building pad is flat. I’m told the footings and slab framing are next. 
THANK YOU for your part in what God is doing!

Great News: SBC ministries are growing. While we strive each day for our ministries to grow deeper, we know they are growing wider. In the past two years our average Sunday attendance, including kids, has increased about 40%. Adults alone are up around 25%. Each year, by God’s grace, we have more people jump in with LifeGroups, Bible studies and serving together.

Please pray/join with us: Our attendance is up but our giving is flat. If you are a part of the amazing core that generously gives, we say thank you and want you to know that you are making a difference! With the increased cost of business (insurance, maintenance, ministry costs) this has required us to make some significant cuts to our 2024/25 vision and budget. Please pray with us in two specific ways. 
1. That we would be faithful stewards of the resources (time, talent and treasure) in our church. We want his vision. 
2. That we would respond to God’s direction in the area of our giving. We pray for joyful and generous giving.
If you would like to make a one time gift or begin regularly giving to the amazing work of God through Sierra Bible, please click here: You can also give via the Sierra Bible Church, Sonora App or bring a check into the church office.

Thanks, Church!
Pastor Nate Levering