SBC Kids Ministry Volunteer Application

15171 Tuolumne Road, Sonora, CA  /  209-532-1381    

Kids on God's TRAIL. Kids' Ministry exists to TELL children how they can have a personal RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ. We strive to enable children to become ACTIVE, growing, followers of Christ. It is our hope to guide kids to become personally INVOLVED in changing their world as they LEAD others to Christ. It is our prayer to prepare each child to be all that God has intended him or her to be and to use their own uniqueness to serve Jesus for a lifetime. Tell Relate Act Involve Lead: TRAIL This Ministry Application is to be completed by anyone desiring to participate in ongoing ministry at SBC. Additional information may be requested by specific ministry departments.

We are excited about your desire to participate in the ministry of Sierra Bible Church. We believe that serving others is a natural result of one's commitment to Christ. We also recognize that for people desiring to know God better, serving others often results in a growing commitment to Jesus, as they experience Him through their service. (The story of Cornelius, recorded in Acts 10, is an instructive example of a "seeker" whose service to others led to his commitment to Jesus as Savior and Lord.) We trust your service to others will cause your relationship to Christ and His church to grow stronger as "we find and follow Jesus together". A commitment to Ministry means that you worship and work at SBC for the encouragement and spiritual growth of others. Often this begins with a "First Serve" where you simply volunteer where needed. Over time, this typically grows into a clarification of your spiritual giftedness and God's particular calling on your life to serve others in a way that is unique to you as an individual. It is our hope and prayer that your involvement in ministry at SBC will help you become a more Grounded, Growing, Giving and Going Christian.

At SBC we are committed to providing the best care for our children. We believe that it is a privilege to work with children and feel that God places a high priority on the love, care, and handling of the children involved in our ministry. Please know that all information given is confidential. Mark 10:14-16 He said to them, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.

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