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SBC Kids Ministry Volunteer Application
15171 Tuolumne Road, Sonora, CA / 209-532-1381
If you are 16 years of age or younger, this form is for YOU! Thank you for volunteering! You have gifts and skills we can use! We welcome you and look forward to serving with you. Please, look over the following information, complete the form and SUBMIT. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kids' Ministry at 209-532-1381 x 109 or kidsmin@sierrabible.com
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
We are excited about your desire to participate in the ministry of Sierra Bible Church. We believe that serving others is a natural result of one's commitment to Christ. We also recognize that for people desiring to know God better, serving others often results in a growing commitment to Jesus, as they experience Him through their service. (The story of Cornelius, recorded in Acts 10, is an instructive example of a "seeker" whose service to others led to his commitment to Jesus as Savior and Lord.) We trust your service to others will cause your relationship to Christ and His church to grow stronger as "we find and follow Jesus together". A commitment to Ministry means that you worship and work at SBC for the encouragement and spiritual growth of others. Often this begins with a "First Serve" where you simply volunteer where needed. Over time, this typically grows into a clarification of your spiritual giftedness and God's particular calling on your life to serve others in a way that is unique to you as an individual. It is our hope and prayer that your involvement in ministry at SBC will help you become a more Grounded, Growing, Giving and Going Christian.
Please choose the area of areas of ministry you are interested in serving.
Sunday Morning Kids Ministry
Sunday Evenings (AWANA/Breakout)
5.6 CREW (Monday Evenings)
Midweek Childcare
Midweek Office Help
Can we talk about the best fit for me?
Youth Leaders Are Important
It is our desire to give youth the opportunity to be involved in leadership with the children at SBC. You have gifts and talents that are very important and we would like to help nurture you and see you grow as a youth leader. It is our prayer that you will lead a life of serving others to honor Christ.
Before you read the requirements, remember
You will become a valuable part of our ministry teams, but in order to become a leader you must first be led. As a youth leader, you must agree to follow the instruction and direction of your ministry leader. It is also very important not just to serve, but to be involved in areas of development that are provided for your age group.
1. Have a personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ. 2. Attend leaders' meetings that pertain to the area of ministry you are serving. 3. Know and follow SBC Kids' Ministry Policies. Special policies are mentioned for youth. 4. Understand SBC's philosophy and vision. 5. Be committed to personal growth by having your own worship times and Bible reading.
These are also important:
1. Have a neat personal appearance. If you're in AWANA, please wear your club shirt. 2. Be faithful to the time that you have been scheduled to work. Please, arrive on time. 3. Call your coordinator if you need to be gone. Give as much notice as possible, so someone can fill your spot. 4. Do not bring friends to help you. ALL LEADERS MUST BE SCREENED AND TRAINED PRIOR TO HELPING. 5. Do not drop in and expect to work if you are not scheduled. This means you should not expect to hang out in the nursery or other areas, unless you are scheduled or ASKED BY THE COORDINATOR. 6. Remember that you are under the supervision of an adult in your area of ministry. Some responsibilities will be left to the adults. Your coordinator or team leader will give you your instructions. 7. Never leave the nursery or any area with an infant or child unattended. 8. If you have a child in the stroller, please use the sidewalk directly in front of the nursery, ONLY. 9. You may not check out a child for an adult. 10. Always play gently and calmly with all children. It is our goal to have a peaceful and fun atmosphere. 11. We greatly appreciate your desire and willingness to be involved as a youth leader. You will learn and gain a lot of very good experience as you work alongside others in ministry. 12. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let your coordinator know. We value you and your contribution to our ministry team.
I have read the information on Youth Leadership and will do my best to meet the requirements.
Please type your Full Name to signify your agreement to the above.
First Name
Last Name
AS THE PARENT OF THE ABOVE YOUTH by typing your FULL NAME you agree that your youth may work in Kids Ministry at SBC and that you have read the ministry description and will encourage your youth as they participate.
First Name
Last Name