Welcome to a community for women,
with the hope that ALL of you feel known and connected.

Activities and Meet Ups

Upcoming events
8 @ 8
Youth Upcoming Events
Worship Events
Kids Events
Young Adult Ministry
Grief At SBC
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Built To Belong
Missions Events

Women's Bible Studies

1st Peter | by Jen Wilkins

1st Peter:  A Living Hope in Christ
Tuesdays 9-11AM | Starting March 11
Contact Julie (209) 768-0930

Grandmothers In Prayer

Every Tuesday from 11:00am to 12:00pm in the Kids Building, Room G

Moms In Prayer

These groups meet in various locations around the county, based on specific schools. If you are interested in joining Moms In Prayer, please email emilyt@sierrabible.com or visit MomsInPrayer.org
We want women at SBC to find a place that they feel connected. A place they can grow, and a place they feel inspired. G.E.M (Gals Expecting More) is our Women's Ministry 'year round' event. You simply sign up for what you love, what inspires you or what you want to learn. It consists of women gathering together to build community! Do you want to sip coffee and talk about Jesus? Learn how to cook a french meal? Do you have a baby or young child and need community? Would you like to go on a beautiful hike with friends? Connection starts once you fill out the form below!
We hope this is a way women feel SEEN, CONNECTED, and EXCITED about Jesus!

If you are interested in leading a group please email emilyt@sierrabible.com

For all other inquiries, fill out this form. Thank you!