Meet An Elder's Wife: Connie Orth

Meet An Elder's Wife: Connie Orth
One of the primary "why's" behind this blog is connection. It's become more and more evident to our staff here at Sierra Bible Church that if you know, you know but if you don't, you don't. We're working diligently to have that change. There have been huge shifts in leadership over the last few years, mixed with the Covid pivots (Cov-ots?). If you were at church on Sunday or tuned in to the live YouTube, you heard Pastor Steve mention that our staff was away for a few days last week to pray, process and prepare. One of the primary goals we walked away with was the moving toward a greater connection with each of you. We understand that it often means us going first. Making the first move toward welcome and expanding how we do that. These weekly "Meet" blogs are a start. We sincerely hope that as you read some off-the-wall questions or hear the heartbeat of why ministry matters from the point of view of our staff or elders, or in this case, an elder's wife, you'll feel a bit more engaged with who we are as a church community. You, after all, help shape it!
Perhaps you've had the privilege of knowing her through a Bible study. You've likely been the recipient of her smile in the Commons (our outdoor greeting space between the Worship Center and kid's building). If you know her, you've laughed with her. If this is your first impression of her, please enjoy! She is nothing short of being a gem. So without further ado, here is Mrs. Connie Orth!
1. If there was a song that best describes your marriage, what would it be?
The song “You’re Still the One” very much describes our marriage. We dated for 7 plus years, have been married for 39 years, and despite life’s ups and downs we wouldn’t want things any differently— it just keeps getting better!
2. What was your first job?
My first real job, besides babysitting, was as a retail clerk in a large department store in Pasadena, California.
3. How did you and your husband, Steve Orth (we have a lot of Steves in our congregation, so I feel the need to say his whole name, not to mention that the Senior pastor is another Steve O., so I can't even use the last initial), meet?
Steve and I met while we were both attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. We knew fairly soon that we wanted a future together. It just took several years and each of us living in different locations before we were actually able to be married.
4. Tell us a little about your wonderful family.
We both grew up in extremely loving and stable families, both modeling strong relationships. I had the blessing of having dedicated Christian parents who wanted to put God at the center of our family and consistently demonstrated just that. Steve and I have desired to pattern our family life accordingly. We have two adult children, who are each married with families of their own and we continue to build and work on our family connections. It’s especially fun and challenging now that we have six grandchildren!
5. HYPOTHETICALLY: You’ve been given a meerkat. You can’t sell it, kill it or get rid of it. What do you do with it?
My meerkat must be fairly intelligent and able to be trained to work. I think it would best fit in to my lifestyle if it could learn to clean up the kitchen on a regular basis.
**Then send it over to my house please!**
6. What is the best gift you've ever received?
The absolute best gift I have received is being able to be a mother. We dealt with infertility for a number of years, and it was very much a dark and sad time in my life. Through several medical procedures and interventions, and total trust and surrender to God’s ultimate plan, we were able to joyously grow our family.
7. Tell us what it's been like for you to now live in Sonora.
Steve grew up in Sonora and we, of course, visited his family here regularly throughout the years. It became somewhat recognizable to me. However, I really never thought I was going to actually live here one day. Fortunately that occurred six years ago and after about a year of transitioning from living near all things familiar I am content and happy to be a part of this beautiful area. Of course I will hold tight to being a “flatlander” for a number of reasons, but I am married to a “local” so maybe I have some credibility?
8. If you could create and name a coffee beverage, what would it taste like? What would you name it?
My coffee drink would be very simple. The ingredients would be freshly ground coffee beans with added chicory to curb the bitterness, a bit of sugar, and quite a bit of half and half. It would be named Coco’s (my grandma name) Concoction.
Ok, church, how fun is that? Thanks for reading along. If you have others you'd like to hear from, or have suggestions on questions you'd like answered, please email See you Sunday!
One of the primary "why's" behind this blog is connection. It's become more and more evident to our staff here at Sierra Bible Church that if you know, you know but if you don't, you don't. We're working diligently to have that change. There have been huge shifts in leadership over the last few years, mixed with the Covid pivots (Cov-ots?). If you were at church on Sunday or tuned in to the live YouTube, you heard Pastor Steve mention that our staff was away for a few days last week to pray, process and prepare. One of the primary goals we walked away with was the moving toward a greater connection with each of you. We understand that it often means us going first. Making the first move toward welcome and expanding how we do that. These weekly "Meet" blogs are a start. We sincerely hope that as you read some off-the-wall questions or hear the heartbeat of why ministry matters from the point of view of our staff or elders, or in this case, an elder's wife, you'll feel a bit more engaged with who we are as a church community. You, after all, help shape it!
Perhaps you've had the privilege of knowing her through a Bible study. You've likely been the recipient of her smile in the Commons (our outdoor greeting space between the Worship Center and kid's building). If you know her, you've laughed with her. If this is your first impression of her, please enjoy! She is nothing short of being a gem. So without further ado, here is Mrs. Connie Orth!
1. If there was a song that best describes your marriage, what would it be?
The song “You’re Still the One” very much describes our marriage. We dated for 7 plus years, have been married for 39 years, and despite life’s ups and downs we wouldn’t want things any differently— it just keeps getting better!
2. What was your first job?
My first real job, besides babysitting, was as a retail clerk in a large department store in Pasadena, California.
3. How did you and your husband, Steve Orth (we have a lot of Steves in our congregation, so I feel the need to say his whole name, not to mention that the Senior pastor is another Steve O., so I can't even use the last initial), meet?
Steve and I met while we were both attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. We knew fairly soon that we wanted a future together. It just took several years and each of us living in different locations before we were actually able to be married.
4. Tell us a little about your wonderful family.
We both grew up in extremely loving and stable families, both modeling strong relationships. I had the blessing of having dedicated Christian parents who wanted to put God at the center of our family and consistently demonstrated just that. Steve and I have desired to pattern our family life accordingly. We have two adult children, who are each married with families of their own and we continue to build and work on our family connections. It’s especially fun and challenging now that we have six grandchildren!
5. HYPOTHETICALLY: You’ve been given a meerkat. You can’t sell it, kill it or get rid of it. What do you do with it?
My meerkat must be fairly intelligent and able to be trained to work. I think it would best fit in to my lifestyle if it could learn to clean up the kitchen on a regular basis.
**Then send it over to my house please!**
6. What is the best gift you've ever received?
The absolute best gift I have received is being able to be a mother. We dealt with infertility for a number of years, and it was very much a dark and sad time in my life. Through several medical procedures and interventions, and total trust and surrender to God’s ultimate plan, we were able to joyously grow our family.
7. Tell us what it's been like for you to now live in Sonora.
Steve grew up in Sonora and we, of course, visited his family here regularly throughout the years. It became somewhat recognizable to me. However, I really never thought I was going to actually live here one day. Fortunately that occurred six years ago and after about a year of transitioning from living near all things familiar I am content and happy to be a part of this beautiful area. Of course I will hold tight to being a “flatlander” for a number of reasons, but I am married to a “local” so maybe I have some credibility?
8. If you could create and name a coffee beverage, what would it taste like? What would you name it?
My coffee drink would be very simple. The ingredients would be freshly ground coffee beans with added chicory to curb the bitterness, a bit of sugar, and quite a bit of half and half. It would be named Coco’s (my grandma name) Concoction.
Ok, church, how fun is that? Thanks for reading along. If you have others you'd like to hear from, or have suggestions on questions you'd like answered, please email See you Sunday!
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