Weekend Recap

What a weekend we had here at Sierra Bible Church and all around our great county!
In partnership with Love Tuolumne, our congregation dispersed all over the county from Friday through Sunday, from planting new cherry trees at Gold Rush Charter School to a putting in a frisbee golf course along the back side of the church property, painting at the Lambert Center and cleaning at Summerville Parent Nursery, and everything in between! We talked about joy last week, and what a joy it was to serve. Check out some of the photos below!
In partnership with Love Tuolumne, our congregation dispersed all over the county from Friday through Sunday, from planting new cherry trees at Gold Rush Charter School to a putting in a frisbee golf course along the back side of the church property, painting at the Lambert Center and cleaning at Summerville Parent Nursery, and everything in between! We talked about joy last week, and what a joy it was to serve. Check out some of the photos below!
Compost going in at Gold Rush Charter School for the garden. A huge thanks to CQ Sand & Gravel!
Resource Family Engagement Day at SBC.

Painting at the Lambert Center.

Frisbee golf baskets being assembled.
Aren't those incredible people doing life-giving projects! We sure hope you were able to participate and look forward to another county-wide serve day in 2023.
Join A Team Sunday met us wide-eyed and bushy tailed throughout the campus and on YouTube yesterday. Balloons led the way to tables as people signed up to serve. There are thousands (ok, maybe not thousands but there are a lot) of ways to give back here at Sierra Bible Church. One of those ways is through your time. If you've ever wondered how to get plugged in, wonder no more. We are trying to make serving at SBC seamless so please reach out to any of the pastoral or support staff, or even a current volunteer, and we'll throw you into the deep end ... I mean, we'll gently walk you through what to expect and champion you every step of the way.50 20 20 20 20 Recent
Join A Team Sunday met us wide-eyed and bushy tailed throughout the campus and on YouTube yesterday. Balloons led the way to tables as people signed up to serve. There are thousands (ok, maybe not thousands but there are a lot) of ways to give back here at Sierra Bible Church. One of those ways is through your time. If you've ever wondered how to get plugged in, wonder no more. We are trying to make serving at SBC seamless so please reach out to any of the pastoral or support staff, or even a current volunteer, and we'll throw you into the deep end ... I mean, we'll gently walk you through what to expect and champion you every step of the way.
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