Missions Update: Hope of the Nations

The heartbeat of Sierra Bible is missions. We know the good news and want to proclaim it wherever we go! Whether the collaboration is between the Caregiving team and Food Pantry to better serve our Tuolumne County community, or providing a playground for our partner church in Mexico, it is a primary mission of SBC to find and follow Jesus together. Jesus is the good news. Missions, people! We can't get enough.
Saying that, we are thrilled to introduce you to the Kneppers. If you've been a part of the Sierra Bible family for a hot second, you've likely heard us talk about Hope of the Nations, or perhaps you've been here on a Sunday as Harold and Coni Knepper greet us and preach the good news of ministering in Kigoma, Tanzania. Maybe you were some of the lucky few in the youth ministry here during the 1990's when Harold was the Youth Pastor!
Saying that, we are thrilled to introduce you to the Kneppers. If you've been a part of the Sierra Bible family for a hot second, you've likely heard us talk about Hope of the Nations, or perhaps you've been here on a Sunday as Harold and Coni Knepper greet us and preach the good news of ministering in Kigoma, Tanzania. Maybe you were some of the lucky few in the youth ministry here during the 1990's when Harold was the Youth Pastor!
Yes, I did grab this from an old Sierra Bible directory!
Hope of the Nations was founded by Harold and Coni Knepper in 2007.
Today HofN has six nationals on the missionary staff and employs 45 other locals who help carry on the ministry. Our objective is to raise up nationals who see Jesus as the primary need in this and every nation. Our goal is to make disciples — that’s what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 28:19-20. Ultimately that is the only hope any nation has. Our mission is: “To bring hope to the nations through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.” (Matt. 12:21)
The ministries through Hope of the Nations (HofN) stretch wide to include a Bible college, primary school, kids clubs, village ministry and providing or supporting micro businesses. There is now also a podcast, Hakuna Shida, where they are sharing stories of the goodness of God's grace. Follow along however you listen to podcasts!
Today HofN has six nationals on the missionary staff and employs 45 other locals who help carry on the ministry. Our objective is to raise up nationals who see Jesus as the primary need in this and every nation. Our goal is to make disciples — that’s what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 28:19-20. Ultimately that is the only hope any nation has. Our mission is: “To bring hope to the nations through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.” (Matt. 12:21)
The ministries through Hope of the Nations (HofN) stretch wide to include a Bible college, primary school, kids clubs, village ministry and providing or supporting micro businesses. There is now also a podcast, Hakuna Shida, where they are sharing stories of the goodness of God's grace. Follow along however you listen to podcasts!

Hope of the Nations Bible College Campus
If you would like to know more, you can find Hope of the Nations on Facebook or Instagram, as well as their website. Thanks for reading along. Please be praying over the safety of the staff, students and surrounding villages. Pray also for the surrounding Muslim community who come to Bible studies with a lot of questions! Amen.
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