
The campus this week has been and continues to be inundated with people hungry for connection, urgent for aid and willing to serve. Our staff team and volunteer teams say this repeatedly - it is an honor to sit front and center to watch how God moves and changes lives. He has sure changed our lives.
On Sunday, April 7, Pastor Nate led the start of a new series, Praxis. This is an 8-week study through the book of Acts. We will talk about boldness in our faith. We'll share stories about how God continues to work out His salvation in our lives through His goodness and mercy. On April 21, we'll begin a 6-week run for Spring LifeGroups, which is always a good way to connect and help make a large church feel small. We invite you to plug in and dive deeper into this study with amazing people!
As I've been going through the 2-Week Praxis Workbook (handed out on April 7), I've been taken aback by some of these verses. One of them is this:
Acts 2:24, "God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it".
It was not possible for death to overcome our Jesus. Can you just fathom the power of our Lord? This week as we've met with Food Pantry clients, the Caregiving Team, hosted the Not My Kid event, and met individually with families, couples and friends who are hurting, suffering, and desiring to find joy, I am reminded that it is He who is able. Our God. Our God is able to cure. Our God is able to mend. Our God conquered the grave and restores humanity. Our God. And He is not done. Amen?
We'll see you again this Sunday, Church.
On Sunday, April 7, Pastor Nate led the start of a new series, Praxis. This is an 8-week study through the book of Acts. We will talk about boldness in our faith. We'll share stories about how God continues to work out His salvation in our lives through His goodness and mercy. On April 21, we'll begin a 6-week run for Spring LifeGroups, which is always a good way to connect and help make a large church feel small. We invite you to plug in and dive deeper into this study with amazing people!
As I've been going through the 2-Week Praxis Workbook (handed out on April 7), I've been taken aback by some of these verses. One of them is this:
Acts 2:24, "God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it".
It was not possible for death to overcome our Jesus. Can you just fathom the power of our Lord? This week as we've met with Food Pantry clients, the Caregiving Team, hosted the Not My Kid event, and met individually with families, couples and friends who are hurting, suffering, and desiring to find joy, I am reminded that it is He who is able. Our God. Our God is able to cure. Our God is able to mend. Our God conquered the grave and restores humanity. Our God. And He is not done. Amen?
We'll see you again this Sunday, Church.
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