Exodus: January 29

"Take off your shoes and pay attention. God wants to speak", Lead Pastor, Nate Levering
What is our excuse and what will it take to be honest?
Good Afternoon, church. I know it's only the second week of our study through Exodus, but through each daily reading and Sunday sermon, God is showing me so much more than I had anticipated. I've read many of these stories before, contemplated the idea of freedom and have even welcomed that freedom into my life, but God's word is alive and active. He continues to breathe newness into what I hear and how I hear from Him. It's both incredibly frustrating that I know I'll never "get it", and comforting that because I'll never "get it", I know He's with me to help me.
Pastor Nate Levering picked up in Exodus 3 on Sunday, working then through the next few chapters, laying out Moses' excuses and God's invitation. These excuses, from his inabilities, lack of qualifications and not knowing the right answers or even how to be bold in his answers are all great excuses. We understand those excuses. We even use the same ones, right?
"Okay, God. I totally hear you and see where you're leading me but if you can hold off just a little while longer, I'm pretty comfortable here in this relationship".
"Sure, God. But I don't think you remember that one time when I ______________ and now I absolutely cannot lead a group, because you know ... I'm a mess".
"New number. Who's this?"
Does anyone else read the Bible and laugh a little at just how relevant it still is? My goodness. I remember being a first time toddler parent and wanting to rip my hair out from the stress caused by a very sassy 2 year old. Someone had observed my total disaster and encouraged the idea of first time obedience. As I've processed that advice time and time again over the years, though the theory is admirable and sometimes you can win there, I'm far from being in line. Although I wish I could tell you that my disobedience is quite qualified based on something profound, if I'm being honest it's because many times I hear God ask and simply reply with "I don't wanna". Obedience costs something. Sometimes obedience costs us everything.
So, how do we know when God is speaking? God speaks to us in many ways. His message is powerful through Scripture. When we know what the word of God says, we learn more of who He is and what it looks like to follow after Him. His presence is known through prayer and time we spend sitting before Him. Often times when I'm hiking or in nature, I meet God as I acknowledge all He has made and allowed me to experience or see. His beauty is captivating and I believe He speaks to me there, reminding me that His ways are perfect and bountiful. For me, there are no other explanations as to why animals, insects or plants were created with such detail. God speaks everywhere so maybe the question is more, how do we listen and pay attention to what He's telling us?
I was meeting and praying with a group of moms this morning in partnership with Moms in Prayer. It was incredibly clear that the kids we brought before one another and the Lord, ranging from second to tenth grade, have constant voices around them, influencing them, pressuring them, teaching them, and questioning them. How are they to know what is true and what is not true if we are not seeking a life of truth and leading in that example? When we hear and read God say, "I Am", what does that tell you? What does it say when He asks you to follow Him and backs it with "I Am"? When we know that God's promise is steadfast, it frees us to releasing our doubt and our excuses so that we can experience a trust that never fails. God is with you.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:2
Good Afternoon, church. I know it's only the second week of our study through Exodus, but through each daily reading and Sunday sermon, God is showing me so much more than I had anticipated. I've read many of these stories before, contemplated the idea of freedom and have even welcomed that freedom into my life, but God's word is alive and active. He continues to breathe newness into what I hear and how I hear from Him. It's both incredibly frustrating that I know I'll never "get it", and comforting that because I'll never "get it", I know He's with me to help me.
Pastor Nate Levering picked up in Exodus 3 on Sunday, working then through the next few chapters, laying out Moses' excuses and God's invitation. These excuses, from his inabilities, lack of qualifications and not knowing the right answers or even how to be bold in his answers are all great excuses. We understand those excuses. We even use the same ones, right?
"Okay, God. I totally hear you and see where you're leading me but if you can hold off just a little while longer, I'm pretty comfortable here in this relationship".
"Sure, God. But I don't think you remember that one time when I ______________ and now I absolutely cannot lead a group, because you know ... I'm a mess".
"New number. Who's this?"
Does anyone else read the Bible and laugh a little at just how relevant it still is? My goodness. I remember being a first time toddler parent and wanting to rip my hair out from the stress caused by a very sassy 2 year old. Someone had observed my total disaster and encouraged the idea of first time obedience. As I've processed that advice time and time again over the years, though the theory is admirable and sometimes you can win there, I'm far from being in line. Although I wish I could tell you that my disobedience is quite qualified based on something profound, if I'm being honest it's because many times I hear God ask and simply reply with "I don't wanna". Obedience costs something. Sometimes obedience costs us everything.
So, how do we know when God is speaking? God speaks to us in many ways. His message is powerful through Scripture. When we know what the word of God says, we learn more of who He is and what it looks like to follow after Him. His presence is known through prayer and time we spend sitting before Him. Often times when I'm hiking or in nature, I meet God as I acknowledge all He has made and allowed me to experience or see. His beauty is captivating and I believe He speaks to me there, reminding me that His ways are perfect and bountiful. For me, there are no other explanations as to why animals, insects or plants were created with such detail. God speaks everywhere so maybe the question is more, how do we listen and pay attention to what He's telling us?
I was meeting and praying with a group of moms this morning in partnership with Moms in Prayer. It was incredibly clear that the kids we brought before one another and the Lord, ranging from second to tenth grade, have constant voices around them, influencing them, pressuring them, teaching them, and questioning them. How are they to know what is true and what is not true if we are not seeking a life of truth and leading in that example? When we hear and read God say, "I Am", what does that tell you? What does it say when He asks you to follow Him and backs it with "I Am"? When we know that God's promise is steadfast, it frees us to releasing our doubt and our excuses so that we can experience a trust that never fails. God is with you.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:2
If you're not involved in a LifeGroup, we encourage you to jump in and join one. Please email me at emilyt@sierrabible.com. Below are some of the questions our groups are diving in to this week and invite you to walk through these in your own time. If you missed us on Sunday, you can watch on YouTube here.
- How have you seen the world make peace with sin?
- How is disobedience perpetuated? How can one act of disobedience sway someone else to do the same?
- In the same way, when we see obedience and acts of goodness, how does that seed grow in others?
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