I Have Decided

What have you decided on lately? My decisions for today have included but have not been limited to how much creamer to put in my coffee, which photos or videos to use in an Instagram reel, what to say to a friend who was asking for advice about church planting, and which Bible tracts to consider for our Food Pantry ministry. The choices and decisions that have met me today are vast. Some have taken a lot of time and consideration. Others are easy. Quick. Effortless, almost.
And then there's the decision to follow after Jesus. This decision is a choice I must make each and every day. I make it for myself. It is not forced but is a constant decision, made of hundreds of choices to choose God's best for myself, my marriage, our family, our home, our neighbors and friends, and this workplace. All of these choices come together to realign who I am as a child of God.
What does the word, authority stir in you? Is there peace at the mention of the word? Is there distress? Maybe dread? Curiosity or questions of who that authority is or why there may need to be rules or conditions? The choice that I make to follow after God, the choice we all make to follow Him, is in direct realization that our authority is Christ alone. It is He that wants a relationship with us and I don't know about you, but I'm more content with my life when I know I'm leaning into His guidance and submitting myself under His authority. When I stray, there are regrets. Quickly and obvious. So pay attention- what is God leading you into or away from? Where is He calling you? What has He been asking of you? What would it look like for you and I to consider lordship authority as always good? Romans 13 tells us that authority comes from God alone. He is above all, and we know from Romans 8 that His goodness is for His people.
Imagine the scene in Matthew 4 as people began hearing how Jesus was healing and the many bringing the sick to Him to be healed. The crowds grew. The word got out. Jesus' showed His authority over sickness, sin, and brokenness. Matthew 7:28-29 says, "And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes". Jesus talks because He has something to say that we need to hear.
What do your choices look like today? What is it about the Lord's authority do you need to be reminded of? What sin or brokenness do you need to lay before Him as He calls you out in faith? Let it be today.
And then there's the decision to follow after Jesus. This decision is a choice I must make each and every day. I make it for myself. It is not forced but is a constant decision, made of hundreds of choices to choose God's best for myself, my marriage, our family, our home, our neighbors and friends, and this workplace. All of these choices come together to realign who I am as a child of God.
What does the word, authority stir in you? Is there peace at the mention of the word? Is there distress? Maybe dread? Curiosity or questions of who that authority is or why there may need to be rules or conditions? The choice that I make to follow after God, the choice we all make to follow Him, is in direct realization that our authority is Christ alone. It is He that wants a relationship with us and I don't know about you, but I'm more content with my life when I know I'm leaning into His guidance and submitting myself under His authority. When I stray, there are regrets. Quickly and obvious. So pay attention- what is God leading you into or away from? Where is He calling you? What has He been asking of you? What would it look like for you and I to consider lordship authority as always good? Romans 13 tells us that authority comes from God alone. He is above all, and we know from Romans 8 that His goodness is for His people.
Imagine the scene in Matthew 4 as people began hearing how Jesus was healing and the many bringing the sick to Him to be healed. The crowds grew. The word got out. Jesus' showed His authority over sickness, sin, and brokenness. Matthew 7:28-29 says, "And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes". Jesus talks because He has something to say that we need to hear.
What do your choices look like today? What is it about the Lord's authority do you need to be reminded of? What sin or brokenness do you need to lay before Him as He calls you out in faith? Let it be today.

Download the Prayer booklet here.
- Beginning on June 18, our worship services will be at 9:00 and 10:45. Kids Ministry will be available during BOTH services. Yay! Go Kids Min. team!
- JOY Club Luncheon on June 21 at 12:00 in the Worship Center. If you are 55+, please join us for lunch as we worship together, eat and hear Jay Pink as he walks us through estate planning and preparation. RSVP to Emily, emilyt@sierrabible.com by June 18.
- Vacation Bible School starts on June 12! Continue to pray for the 500+ students and leaders who will be on campus all week. Register your kids here.
- The Foothill Pregnancy Baby Bottle Boomerang is NOW on! Grab a bottle in the Commons this Sunday and fill it with your loose change.
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