As we gear up for Join A Team Sunday on April 24, we hope you all know just how valuable you are. Yes, you! Don't go getting all shy on me now. Doesn't that feel good to hear? You are an intricate, valuable part of Sierra Bible Church and our community. Maybe you have wondered not only how to get involved, but how to even find the time between seasonal sports, work hours, grandparent commitments, and even your own necessary rest time. Our time and attention is thwarted and diverted to so many commitments that oftentimes the capacity for one more thing is simply too much.
Each morning when I arrive at the office and open my browser, I add new tabs for everything I will need that day. The list usually consists of the necessities like Gmail, Planning Center, SubSplash, Facebook, Instagram and Canva. Then there are the days when we're purchasing new cards for the Caregiving Team so Amazon is open. On any given day I can have between 7-15 tabs open. I didn't say it was the healthy or most effective way, but I know I will otherwise forget so I click on that plus sign and open them up. But as I leave the office and work on school board issues or tend to the needs of our family, tabs open just as quickly. The open mental tabs in my brain can feel so overwhelming that one more commitment or person asking for help seems to be too much. Are you with me?
So I began to question, what is the value of each of these tabs? Who do they serve and does that matter? Slowly I am closing tabs that do not need to be my priority because as many wise people before me have said, "When you say 'yes' to something, you're often saying 'no' to another". What, or who, am I saying 'no' to?
Spoiler alert, we are going to ask you to join a team if you haven't already. Did that make you sweat a little? Well, what would it take for you to recalibrate your tabs and prioritize serving? You may not have a voice you'd like others to hear, but are you good with scissors and have an hour or two to spare during the week to prep Sunday school materials? There's a need! That's a team! Maybe you have little to zero interest in helping with middle school students, but you can call and check in on someone who just had surgery. There's a need! That's a team too! Listen my friends, you can give me any scenario and I'll show you how to use your skill set to serve because we are just thatdesperate ... hopeful. I meant hopeful.
All jokes aside, what could serving do for your life? Think about it. And while you do, here's a list of ministry teams that could really benefit from who you are and what you have to offer:
Each morning when I arrive at the office and open my browser, I add new tabs for everything I will need that day. The list usually consists of the necessities like Gmail, Planning Center, SubSplash, Facebook, Instagram and Canva. Then there are the days when we're purchasing new cards for the Caregiving Team so Amazon is open. On any given day I can have between 7-15 tabs open. I didn't say it was the healthy or most effective way, but I know I will otherwise forget so I click on that plus sign and open them up. But as I leave the office and work on school board issues or tend to the needs of our family, tabs open just as quickly. The open mental tabs in my brain can feel so overwhelming that one more commitment or person asking for help seems to be too much. Are you with me?
So I began to question, what is the value of each of these tabs? Who do they serve and does that matter? Slowly I am closing tabs that do not need to be my priority because as many wise people before me have said, "When you say 'yes' to something, you're often saying 'no' to another". What, or who, am I saying 'no' to?
Spoiler alert, we are going to ask you to join a team if you haven't already. Did that make you sweat a little? Well, what would it take for you to recalibrate your tabs and prioritize serving? You may not have a voice you'd like others to hear, but are you good with scissors and have an hour or two to spare during the week to prep Sunday school materials? There's a need! That's a team! Maybe you have little to zero interest in helping with middle school students, but you can call and check in on someone who just had surgery. There's a need! That's a team too! Listen my friends, you can give me any scenario and I'll show you how to use your skill set to serve because we are just that
All jokes aside, what could serving do for your life? Think about it. And while you do, here's a list of ministry teams that could really benefit from who you are and what you have to offer:

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