Meet & Greet With Ginny Milnik

I met one of Ginny's sons when I had just turned 20 years old, well before I even considered living a life in Sonora and knew who the Milnik's were. About 6 years later I was married (not to a Milnik), moved to Sonora and was working for the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA). One of our interns was Ginny's youngest daughter, who so joyfully exudes humor and kindness in all she does and I immediately knew this would be a family I treasured for years to come!

You may have met Ginny before in a Mom's In Prayer meeting, through MOPS, during one of her talks on prayer or casually on a Sunday morning. Maybe you, like me, know her through one of her four children. Perhaps you've seen her riding her bike through the backroads around Indigeny. However you know her, or are just now meeting her, I'm sure you are and will be better for it, as she can't help but lead you to power of God and prayer. It is with such honor that I bring you, Ginny Milnik!

1. What brought you to SBC and how long have you been a part of our church family?
Ralph and I moved here in August of 1987.  We lived in a 22' motorhome with ou boys, Nathan and Danny for 6 months and were parked at Ralph's cousin's in Twain Harte.  Ron Allison, who was working construction with Ralph at his cousins,  invited us to Sierra Bible Church, which was at it's Peaceful Valley location.  We attended the next Sunday and a new Sunday School Class, called The Homesteaders was just starting up.  We met lots of families in our stage of life in that class and were invited to lunch that very day at the home of John and Linda Carters.  (I think they felt sorry for us when we said we were parked on a lot in Greenley Oaks living in our motorhome.)  We have been coming for 35 years.

2. What does church mean to you?
Church to me is the body of believers who meet to worship and lift up the name of Christ. I love the church!  I appreciate seeing other believers and hearing from the Word of God. Love, unity, fellowship, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, spiritual gifts, comfort, inspiration,  prayer, the Word that is Living and Active--Jesus Christ-- are all part of a church.  God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit breathe their life into it.  The church is truly to be alive in this world as The Body of Christ all over the world.

3. Why did you choose Jesus?
I chose Jesus because He loved me!  As a young girl and throughout high school there seemed to be some overwhelming shame and anger in my family situation--I felt poor and ashamed.  God always cut through that and loved me.  At a confirmation retreat in 8th grade and Anaheim Billy Graham Crusade in 1969 I opened the door and asked Jesus to come in.  I also choose Him because He is the only God that reached out to me and offered me the free gift of eternal life--no other God in the entire universe offers this great gift.  Tears so many times spring forth as I read the Word--His love is overwhelming.  His Word is living and active and speaks to us today and HE is the Living Word offering us a Helper in the Holy Spirit.  I find this no place else.  He is so awesome and worthy of praise and adoration.

4. Some may not know that you're a retired teacher. How long were you a teacher? What did you teach? Do you have a favorite story you like to share about teaching?
In college I received my A.A. in business but then switched my major to Home Economics.  At that time it included 5 areas--Foods & Nutrition, Clothing/Textiles, Child Development, Interior Design, and Consumer Business Education.  I loved it as a major--very interesting--especially my lower division courses--upper division became VERY technical.  I received my teaching credential and taught 4 years in the high school arena--loved high school kids.(1 year at Sonora High).  I would have taught years at the high school level but the positions were not available as electives go in and out depending on funding.   After having our lst son, Danny, I substituted 2 days a week and when it came time for school we homeschooled.  Upon moving to Sonora I became a supervisor of Homeschool families for several years through Sonora Elementary School.  In 2005 received a job share position with Leslie Bloom teaching Kindergarden and lst for 6 years.  Then I went full-time and taught K,1,2,and 3 at various times until retiring in 2018. When returning to school after Christmas break a little kinder boy came running up to me saying, "Mrs. Milnik, I am sooooo happy to see you, I missed you and couldn't wait to come back to school"--that never happened in high school!!  Young ones truly love you unconditionally!  But I love the sense of humor of high school kids.  In one Foods class the kitchen called me over to look at their batch of cookies they were baking and the young man responsible for putting in the eggs had put in 2 eggs shells and all because that is what it called for--2 eggs!!!  I laughed so hard at his innocent mistake--this is why Foods classes are great for those with NO experience at home.  I absolutely love the chalkboard I received upon retirement from my fellow teachers at Sonora El that says, "For every lesson you've prepared, the love of God has been shared."  Many fond memories.

5. If you could travel to any three places in the world for an entire year and cost was no issue, where would you go and who would you bring (hint, me!)?
If I could travel for a year I would like to explore all over the United States--I love to learn about our history and there is so much to explore.  Europe and Asia would be fascinating--too many wonderful places to pin down.  I know I would take Ralph and would love to take my kids and grandkids with me.  Sorry, Emily!  You could stow away.

6. What is something you could eat every day and not grow tired of it?
I love nuts--pecans, walnuts, macadamia, cashews..
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