Meet The REAL MVP: Deb Martinelli

I questioned whether or not to title this post as such, but after a LOT of discussion, prayer and wise counsel, it was set. There is literally no other way to identify Deb Martinelli as anything other than the MVP of Sierra Bible Church. We laugh about this in the office but it is true. Not only has Deb been here for OVER 30 years, but she somehow knows every detail of the inner workings and happenings of our church. From who walks through the door to where lost keys are, what to find in the scary Kid's Ministry closet and everything in between. And that's just the beginning. Deb will give you her heart. The kindness and generosity of this woman is astounding. We are so glad she's ours! Ok, enough gushing ... here's Deb.
1. The office staff often calls you the MVP of SBC. Many may not know how long you've been here, or how you started working at SBC. Tell us a little about how you got plugged in, and how long you've been here.
I started volunteering at SBC when my oldest turned 3 and I wanted to sign her up for Cubbies, but could not imagine dropping her off and LEAVING HER. So I signed up to volunteer.
She is now 34 :) After volunteering there I began noticing that Becky (previous Children's Director) needed an assistant. I started volunteering one day a week. Fast forward a few years, when my job lost funding and I needed a job. Pastor Mark Levering (founding pastor) offered me a job in the church office. That job worked into a job with the Children's Ministry around 1998. I worked in Children's Ministry until 2016 when I moved to my current position in the church office, answering the phone and greeting those that come in.
*She makes it sounds so simple! We all know she does more than that.
2. You're a grandma! What are your top 3 favorite parts of having grandkids?
First of all I'm Nana :) Although I would go by any name as long as they were talking to me.
-My most favorite is when they CHOOSE me :) Babies are great and all but when they become mobile and make the choice where they are going & it is to me!!!!! The Best!
-PLAYING with them!!! Literally, reading a book, jumping on the trampoline, hunting moose on our property, splashing in puddles, swimming in the pool or going on an adventure. I'm ready!
-Watching them learn something new!
*Can't you just hear her excitement?
3. If you were given 100 days to do anything except for work and money was not an issue, what would you do?
Definitely go on an adventure with the family!! Camping, the beach, or amusement park. It wouldn’t really matter as long as we were all there making memories:)
4. If you could have any celebrity paint your nails, who would it be and what color tone would you choose?
Funny Question!!! I'm not a big fan of celebrities and I only paint my toenails! Color tone Mauve, darker rather than lighter though.
5. You can take any zoo animal home for 24 hours. Which animal will you choose?
GIRAFFE for sure!
6. Who is a person in your life that you admire, and tell us a favorite memory about your shared time together.
I don't know how to limit that to just one. I admire the Godly women in my family that have influenced my life and encouraged my relationship with Jesus. In addition to that this question made me think of my aunts. I really admire them both for how, even though we have never lived close, they have always made me feel loved and connected. Also, I admire how they have continued to be so active as they have gotten older. We had a family get together at the zoo and my Aunt Betsy came at 89! And my Auntie Marilyn just recently moved (with my Uncle) to Arizona, in their 80’s!
Ok, church family! You've seen her. You've likely spoken to her on the phone. You've definitely been helped by her if you've stopped in to the church office. And now you know more about her. Our Deb. Thanks for reading, church.
1. The office staff often calls you the MVP of SBC. Many may not know how long you've been here, or how you started working at SBC. Tell us a little about how you got plugged in, and how long you've been here.
I started volunteering at SBC when my oldest turned 3 and I wanted to sign her up for Cubbies, but could not imagine dropping her off and LEAVING HER. So I signed up to volunteer.
She is now 34 :) After volunteering there I began noticing that Becky (previous Children's Director) needed an assistant. I started volunteering one day a week. Fast forward a few years, when my job lost funding and I needed a job. Pastor Mark Levering (founding pastor) offered me a job in the church office. That job worked into a job with the Children's Ministry around 1998. I worked in Children's Ministry until 2016 when I moved to my current position in the church office, answering the phone and greeting those that come in.
*She makes it sounds so simple! We all know she does more than that.
2. You're a grandma! What are your top 3 favorite parts of having grandkids?
First of all I'm Nana :) Although I would go by any name as long as they were talking to me.
-My most favorite is when they CHOOSE me :) Babies are great and all but when they become mobile and make the choice where they are going & it is to me!!!!! The Best!
-PLAYING with them!!! Literally, reading a book, jumping on the trampoline, hunting moose on our property, splashing in puddles, swimming in the pool or going on an adventure. I'm ready!
-Watching them learn something new!
*Can't you just hear her excitement?
3. If you were given 100 days to do anything except for work and money was not an issue, what would you do?
Definitely go on an adventure with the family!! Camping, the beach, or amusement park. It wouldn’t really matter as long as we were all there making memories:)
4. If you could have any celebrity paint your nails, who would it be and what color tone would you choose?
Funny Question!!! I'm not a big fan of celebrities and I only paint my toenails! Color tone Mauve, darker rather than lighter though.
5. You can take any zoo animal home for 24 hours. Which animal will you choose?
GIRAFFE for sure!
6. Who is a person in your life that you admire, and tell us a favorite memory about your shared time together.
I don't know how to limit that to just one. I admire the Godly women in my family that have influenced my life and encouraged my relationship with Jesus. In addition to that this question made me think of my aunts. I really admire them both for how, even though we have never lived close, they have always made me feel loved and connected. Also, I admire how they have continued to be so active as they have gotten older. We had a family get together at the zoo and my Aunt Betsy came at 89! And my Auntie Marilyn just recently moved (with my Uncle) to Arizona, in their 80’s!
Ok, church family! You've seen her. You've likely spoken to her on the phone. You've definitely been helped by her if you've stopped in to the church office. And now you know more about her. Our Deb. Thanks for reading, church.
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