Sunday Recap: May 15

Happy Monday, Church!
Thank you for joining us yesterday as we gathered on campus to celebrate what God is doing and worship together. It was a joyful privilege to welcome the Lack Family back to SBC. The Lack Family has led us in worship many times over the years and what a blessing it is to have them. If you missed this, watch here on YouTube. They will be back on June 12 so don't miss it!
Thank you for joining us yesterday as we gathered on campus to celebrate what God is doing and worship together. It was a joyful privilege to welcome the Lack Family back to SBC. The Lack Family has led us in worship many times over the years and what a blessing it is to have them. If you missed this, watch here on YouTube. They will be back on June 12 so don't miss it!
As we heard from the voices and talent of the Lack Family, who certainly all have something to give away, Pastor Steve led us through 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12, encouraging us all to recognize what it is that God has uniquely gifted us to give away. Though it can often be tempting to focus on what we don't have, or coveting what others have, it's a kind of humble acceptance to assess what we do have knowing every good and perfect gift is from the Lord.
When we give of ourselves, how often is it also us who gain from that give? Often times, when the day has been exhausting and I would one thousand percent rather kick back with my book and hot tea, leaving my young children to their own bedtime routines, or put it all on my husband, I walk away so much more filled sacrificing that coveted me time to ensure they've brushed their teeth, to tuck them in and read with them. Those fifteen to twenty minutes of just me and them time has become treasured for my soul and we all miss out when I let my frustrations or selfishness take over.
Similarly, you have been given a gift. Whether that's the gift of empathy, time, strength in details or creativity or instruction, it is a gift for you provided by a gracious God. When you reflect on your life, years prior or current, who can you name who has given of themselves on your behalf? What did it cost them? What did it mean to you? Why did it matter?
What are you willing to give away for the benefit of others?
When we give of ourselves, how often is it also us who gain from that give? Often times, when the day has been exhausting and I would one thousand percent rather kick back with my book and hot tea, leaving my young children to their own bedtime routines, or put it all on my husband, I walk away so much more filled sacrificing that coveted me time to ensure they've brushed their teeth, to tuck them in and read with them. Those fifteen to twenty minutes of just me and them time has become treasured for my soul and we all miss out when I let my frustrations or selfishness take over.
Similarly, you have been given a gift. Whether that's the gift of empathy, time, strength in details or creativity or instruction, it is a gift for you provided by a gracious God. When you reflect on your life, years prior or current, who can you name who has given of themselves on your behalf? What did it cost them? What did it mean to you? Why did it matter?
What are you willing to give away for the benefit of others?
Student Ministries Pastor Kyle Wilson, was so encouraged by an example he saw from a church who sent their graduating class away with signed Bibles from the congregation and thought it would be a generous gift we could give away to our graduating class. Amazing. What a joy it was to see so many stop and take the time to highlight a verse and write a prayer or encouraging note in the margins. If you were not able to sign these yet, you're welcome to stop by the office during office hours (M-Th. 9-4, Fr. 9-1), or email Kyle at to set up a time to do so. The Bibles will be in the Commons again this Sunday, May 22. What could it mean for these kids to have the support of their church family as they venture into adulthood and so many unknowns?
Thanks for being here! We can't wait to see you next time.
If you'd like to speak with a pastor, please call the church office at 209-532-1381 or email
Thanks for being here! We can't wait to see you next time.
If you'd like to speak with a pastor, please call the church office at 209-532-1381 or email
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