A Posture of Worship in the Everyday

Hopeful farm girl and local barista, Megan Ehle is not new to the idea of worship. As Comfort and I sat with her over coffee, hearing the story of how she not only came to believe in Jesus, but how she lives out a joyful and passionate love for worshiping God, it was apparent that God's been moving in her story since before she was born. The groundwork was laid before her. Generations of Christians came before Megan in her family, serving in global missions and local pastoral leadership, with their hearts set on following and worshiping Jesus. “I grew up with an openness to praise God unashamed”, says Megan. “My dad was exposed to almost every denomination as a missionary kid and he showed us how to worship and praise God regardless of which church, culture or country you’re in”. Megan's dad, prior pastor at Journey Church here in Sonora, spent years in Canada and Germany as a missionary kid. When he and his wife began a family, it was clear that they would live a sacrificial life for God and His people through pastoral leadership. Throughout her life, Megan's recollections of family time often included "nerding out to the Bible and studying various translations of specific words". The practice of jumping into God's word together has been a constant norm for her and her family, which is why she sees the simplicity in bringing God into her everyday.
As your local Revive barista, Megan displays worship as more than just Sunday morning praise. “When you actively see Him in the everyday things, it’s worship”, she says. So whether it’s hiking with her friend group, studying God’s word, preparing espresso beverages or simply spending time in prayer, God is to be praised.
“For you shall go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
shall break forth into singing,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
This verse came up multiple times through out conversation. Worship is not only an act of obedience, it's an invitation into participating in the greatest love you'll ever know. Imagine saying "I love you" to your child when they were first born, but then never saying it again because, you know, you already told them so why tell them again? It's absurd to consider a life without regular "I love you's". Even the mountains and hills will praise His name, so what’s our excuse? Where do you see God in the hills on your hike? Where do you see Him on your school campus? How do you hear Him in the whisper of snow fall? He's there. Our everyday life, regardless of where we are, who we are or where we go, can be a posture of worship to the living God.
As your local Revive barista, Megan displays worship as more than just Sunday morning praise. “When you actively see Him in the everyday things, it’s worship”, she says. So whether it’s hiking with her friend group, studying God’s word, preparing espresso beverages or simply spending time in prayer, God is to be praised.
“For you shall go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
shall break forth into singing,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
This verse came up multiple times through out conversation. Worship is not only an act of obedience, it's an invitation into participating in the greatest love you'll ever know. Imagine saying "I love you" to your child when they were first born, but then never saying it again because, you know, you already told them so why tell them again? It's absurd to consider a life without regular "I love you's". Even the mountains and hills will praise His name, so what’s our excuse? Where do you see God in the hills on your hike? Where do you see Him on your school campus? How do you hear Him in the whisper of snow fall? He's there. Our everyday life, regardless of where we are, who we are or where we go, can be a posture of worship to the living God.
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