A State of Anticipation
Here's something you may or may not know about our family: we homeschool on Fridays. When I say "homeschool", hold that loosely. The charter school that my kids attend generate what we call Friday Work and that comes to us either in paper packets or through Google Classroom. Friday Work is not new for my children and yet, every Friday, what do you think their attitude is toward it / me? You guessed it. Not good. Every week, I think it'll be different and I have my trusty, super helpful phrases as they begin like, "This is not an option so knock it off" and "Jump to it". I don't know why they still growl towards me.
Last Sunday, as we wrapped up the Built To Belong series, Pastor Nate made this comment and it stuck with me, "We feel the tension of the anticipated completion of what we've been longing for". Each week, I anticipate the completion of Friday Work and a hopeful, restful weekend. My coffee is ready. Breakfast is made. Candles are lit to exude a cozy atmosphere. We prepare and plan throughout the week, building on math skills, continuing independent reading goals, and still ... eye rolls, complaints, time spent arguing and the whole time, I long for them to come into a posture of learning so these can be completed.
A dear friend and prior student was recently married. I know she and her groom had been anticipating that day for years. They longed for that kind of love. Then they met one another, dated, fell in love and were finally married. What a perfect dance of both celebration and rest.
A few years ago, my husband and I embarked on what we thought was a simple home remodel. We didn't realize, until we exposed one wall, that most of it had to come down and be rebuilt. After three years of what seemed like endless days working on this home, we finally moved in and could settle. The peace we had longed for had arrived.
What happens to someone in a state of anticipation? Depending on what we anticipate, some of us feel anxious and unsure. Others are strengthened by lists and tasks as what they anticipate is positive and their brains are full of natural dopamine. There's an array of emotions or actions that come from anticipated longing. What we see in the book of Nehemiah is that he and his community continued to push through what God was calling them to, knowing He was calling them to it. The anticipation was full of promise and security. After the anticipated completion of the wall, they gathered together to remember the Lord. For hours, they listened to Scripture and celebrated.
I love the promise of Hebrews 4:12-13, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account". I am so grateful that nothing is unknown to our God. No amount of anxiety and anticipation we wade through goes without His promise. He is good and what He's called you to is held in His grip just as it was for Nehemiah. God is worthy of being praised and His word is forever.
What does it look like to desire God’s word and depend on it this week?
Last Sunday, as we wrapped up the Built To Belong series, Pastor Nate made this comment and it stuck with me, "We feel the tension of the anticipated completion of what we've been longing for". Each week, I anticipate the completion of Friday Work and a hopeful, restful weekend. My coffee is ready. Breakfast is made. Candles are lit to exude a cozy atmosphere. We prepare and plan throughout the week, building on math skills, continuing independent reading goals, and still ... eye rolls, complaints, time spent arguing and the whole time, I long for them to come into a posture of learning so these can be completed.
A dear friend and prior student was recently married. I know she and her groom had been anticipating that day for years. They longed for that kind of love. Then they met one another, dated, fell in love and were finally married. What a perfect dance of both celebration and rest.
A few years ago, my husband and I embarked on what we thought was a simple home remodel. We didn't realize, until we exposed one wall, that most of it had to come down and be rebuilt. After three years of what seemed like endless days working on this home, we finally moved in and could settle. The peace we had longed for had arrived.
What happens to someone in a state of anticipation? Depending on what we anticipate, some of us feel anxious and unsure. Others are strengthened by lists and tasks as what they anticipate is positive and their brains are full of natural dopamine. There's an array of emotions or actions that come from anticipated longing. What we see in the book of Nehemiah is that he and his community continued to push through what God was calling them to, knowing He was calling them to it. The anticipation was full of promise and security. After the anticipated completion of the wall, they gathered together to remember the Lord. For hours, they listened to Scripture and celebrated.
I love the promise of Hebrews 4:12-13, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account". I am so grateful that nothing is unknown to our God. No amount of anxiety and anticipation we wade through goes without His promise. He is good and what He's called you to is held in His grip just as it was for Nehemiah. God is worthy of being praised and His word is forever.
What does it look like to desire God’s word and depend on it this week?
Coming Up ...
- On Sunday, October 22, we will begin a 5-week series called, What Love Is. We will also begin a new reading plan with an electronic version and paper bookmark available.
- On Sunday, October 29, during service Pastor Nate will reveal what's been given and committed to the Built To Belong campaign so far. Join us in this time of celebrating!
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