Meet Pastor Nate

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You may know Pastor Nate Levering from leading your New To Lunch or Rooted Group. There's even a chance you were in Student Ministries when Nate and his wife, Kathy, were leading. Maybe you went on a Mexico mission trip with him. Perhaps you have no idea who this bald man is. In that case, here is Nate Levering, Pastor of Connections and Compassion. His father, Mark Levering, was the founding pastor here at Sierra Bible Church over forty years ago. It was an absolute privilege to know Mark and call him a friend. The same is felt with Nate. He certainly is not shy with his honesty and direct communication, but all given with the utmost of care for your soul. It is a lot of work to work with this man, who so boldly leans into the community and charges bald head first into service, but it sure is a load of joy to get to be a part of! It's certainly not boring around here.
1. What was it like to grow up in a Pastor's house?
I find that an odd question. (Of course you do, Nate). I get it, for sure, but my first response is that I didn't grow up in a pastor's house. I grew up in a house with a dad and a mom that loved me like crazy - something I have often reminded them was quite easy with me as their son. My dad was very much, dad first, and pastor somewhere down the list. The other somewhat unique thing was that our family and our church were places of grace. I didn't feel pressure about being someone or not being someone. It was grace and I was loved for who I was. That being said, I grew up loving Jesus and wanting to love others, my kids included, the way my mom and dad did.
2. What is your role here at Sierra Bible Church? What role(s) did you have prior to your current position?
My current title is Pastor of Connections and Compassion. It was about nine years ago when I sensed God transitioning me out of my fifteen year run as the Student Ministry Pastor at SBC. In resigning as the "Youth Guy" I hoped that a position would open up at SBC that would fit who I am and the passion of my heart. The Compassion and Connection gig was that. It felt like, and has been, a great fit for who I am and what I care deeply about. The actual role encompasses many things but the focus is to help our various compassion ministries thrive and to help our folks take and maintain steps of connection. I get to actively help us be the church.
3. You have 4 children- the oldest in college, the youngest in elementary school. What have been the three most surprising things about parenthood so far?
The first surprise was that we were able to have kids. My brilliant Stanford Cancer doctors were pretty clear that we would not be having kids naturally but God, well, He is God. Second is that I have loved every stage. Some people tell you things like, 'just wait until they are teenagers or just wait until they drive or just wait...' I'm not saying that I'm fond of the "three hours a night staring at math problems" phase but I can honestly say I have LOVED every stage. The third surprise is how parenting is incredibly difficult and wildly fun at the same time.
4. What do you work toward in your free time, if you even have free time?
I love to be active and yes, I have 'free' time. I love to play in the ocean with my kids, climb mountains on my bike, eat Thai food with my wife, ride dirt bikes with my boys, enjoy a cold one with my friends, banya (sauna) anytime, hang on or behind our boat and do it all again tomorrow!
5. If you and Kathy had a whole year to travel the world, where would you go first? Last?
That is a tough question! Since it looks like Kathy is coming, it will need to start and finish warm. I would climb a big mountain (maybe kilimanjaro), scuba dive the world's best reefs, bike through France, travel the coast of Italy, salmon fish in Alaska, go helicopter snowboarding and then spend a few weeks in a monastery. When do we leave?
6. What song do you have to sing along with whenever you hear it?
I don't really sing but if it is Crowder I sure try!
7. Using only two sentences, how would you encourage the church in vision and mission?
My greatest joy is trusting and following Jesus with you! Thank you!
Thanks for reading along, church! Make sure you introduce yourselves next time you see Pastor Nate. He'll likely be in the Commons this Sunday morning.
Thanks for reading along, church! Make sure you introduce yourselves next time you see Pastor Nate. He'll likely be in the Commons this Sunday morning.
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