Hope for the Hurting: Week One
It has been obvious to our whole staff team that God is and has been pressing on us to lean in to what He says about mental health. From joining a county-wide collective on mental health advocacy and awareness to participating in trainings and events with our youth, we are committed to leaning in. Our leaning in-ness also means that we are actively assessing our own mental health struggles because let me debunk the myth that people in ministry are perfect or anywhere close. We are engaging, constantly, in prayer for God to both expose and guide us in where God's truth needs to subdue thoughts and feelings and situations of fear, anxiety and worry. Like Pastor Nate said, we want to lean in the best we can because these are our kids in our community.
Every morning at 8:30, whatever staff is in the office gathers to pray. This morning as 5 of us gathered, we reflected a little on yesterday's church service. Maybe you, like myself, appreciated hearing that mental health has personally affected Pastor Nate's family. Not that we are thrilled to know they too have battles, but I strongly believe when we opt to go first, if you will, with our own experience, it allows others to release that brokenness we all carry.
I'm going to say this and I want you to really take it in and assess what you feel when you read it. Ready? Ok, are you sure? Do you trust me? Ok, here it is.
There is hope that transcends our circumstances.
Do you believe that to be true? Because it's the gospel. It's the promise we get to stand on and proclaim as His church. There is hope. There is hope for these teens struggling with identity and truth. There is hope for your family in whatever brokenness you're sitting in today. There is hope for your heart, however it is hurting today. There is hope. You are here because God isn't done.
Often times, one of the problems with mental health wellness or illness, is how invisible it can be to the common onlooker. If your co-worker, child, friend or spouse has the flu, it's obvious. A physical illness shows through their flushed face, constant cough, high fever, lack of appetite, etc. etc. We've all had the flu. You get it. But often times when someone is struggling in a circumstance that causes worry and anxiety, it's not always so obvious. So we are learning and trusting that God is catching us as we learn what to look for, how to talk about it, and continue to allow God to transform our minds to center on His truth NO MATTER WHAT. This is where, together, we are leaning in and we hope you'll lean with us so that what you experience is wholeness and peace.
Watch the sermon from 4/23 here.
Bulletin from 4/23 here.
Every morning at 8:30, whatever staff is in the office gathers to pray. This morning as 5 of us gathered, we reflected a little on yesterday's church service. Maybe you, like myself, appreciated hearing that mental health has personally affected Pastor Nate's family. Not that we are thrilled to know they too have battles, but I strongly believe when we opt to go first, if you will, with our own experience, it allows others to release that brokenness we all carry.
I'm going to say this and I want you to really take it in and assess what you feel when you read it. Ready? Ok, are you sure? Do you trust me? Ok, here it is.
There is hope that transcends our circumstances.
Do you believe that to be true? Because it's the gospel. It's the promise we get to stand on and proclaim as His church. There is hope. There is hope for these teens struggling with identity and truth. There is hope for your family in whatever brokenness you're sitting in today. There is hope for your heart, however it is hurting today. There is hope. You are here because God isn't done.
Often times, one of the problems with mental health wellness or illness, is how invisible it can be to the common onlooker. If your co-worker, child, friend or spouse has the flu, it's obvious. A physical illness shows through their flushed face, constant cough, high fever, lack of appetite, etc. etc. We've all had the flu. You get it. But often times when someone is struggling in a circumstance that causes worry and anxiety, it's not always so obvious. So we are learning and trusting that God is catching us as we learn what to look for, how to talk about it, and continue to allow God to transform our minds to center on His truth NO MATTER WHAT. This is where, together, we are leaning in and we hope you'll lean with us so that what you experience is wholeness and peace.
Watch the sermon from 4/23 here.
Bulletin from 4/23 here.
LifeGroup Questions for this week:
- Is there anything you’re currently worried about or carrying that’s causing fear or anxiety?
- Together, read Matthew 6:25-34. Is there anything new or noteworthy in this section of text?
- After Jesus was tested in the wilderness (Luke 4), he returned to Galilee and began teaching through Nazareth and then Capernaum. “Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath he taught the people. They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority” (Luke 4:31-32). What authority does the Lord give us through scripture over fear and anxiety? (If the group is stuck here, you can read from Philippians 4:6 and 1 John 4:18).
- What are some coping mechanisms people use to fight or distract themselves from feelings of stress, anxiety or worry?
- Matthew 11:27-29, “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”.
- What does God ask us to do with our feelings or circumstances?
- God invites us to lean into His sovereignty and rejoice in Him, despite our circumstances. What prevents you from trusting in God’s sovereignty?
- How does trusting in God’s sovereignty and faithfulness change our perspective over trials and circumstances?
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