Walk This Way

What does God want with this property?
After many, many hours from some especially dedicated, hardworking people, over months and months of vision and discussion, we are so thrilled to share that the SBC Community Walking Trail, or as is now ready for you! From the beginning, it has been a prayer of our church that God would use this property to bring people together in the presence of His beauty and God has answered that in a multitude of ways. From Vacation Bible School with hundreds of kids and adult volunteers, weddings and memorial services, food truck nights and the new 18-hold disc golf course, to the walking path and more, God has been faithful as we live open-handed to what God has for this space and our caretaking over it.
As you walk between the Worship Center and the Commons, and head toward the youth portables, you'll now notice a paved trail leading you up and around and between the back property. Over the weekend, before it was paved, a group of women from the Women's Retreat were led by Evalyn Levering along the one-mile trail. Walking together was a heartbeat in the marriage of Mark and Evalyn Levering, the founding pastor here at SBC. After Mark passed away in April 2021, a memorial fund was set up and it was decided to begin a walking trail here on campus for the community. With a grant awarded from the Sonora Area Foundation and our faithful givers, many donated hours from Alley Tree & Landscape and others, we are so excited to officially announce that this walking path is ready for you.
After many, many hours from some especially dedicated, hardworking people, over months and months of vision and discussion, we are so thrilled to share that the SBC Community Walking Trail, or as is now ready for you! From the beginning, it has been a prayer of our church that God would use this property to bring people together in the presence of His beauty and God has answered that in a multitude of ways. From Vacation Bible School with hundreds of kids and adult volunteers, weddings and memorial services, food truck nights and the new 18-hold disc golf course, to the walking path and more, God has been faithful as we live open-handed to what God has for this space and our caretaking over it.
As you walk between the Worship Center and the Commons, and head toward the youth portables, you'll now notice a paved trail leading you up and around and between the back property. Over the weekend, before it was paved, a group of women from the Women's Retreat were led by Evalyn Levering along the one-mile trail. Walking together was a heartbeat in the marriage of Mark and Evalyn Levering, the founding pastor here at SBC. After Mark passed away in April 2021, a memorial fund was set up and it was decided to begin a walking trail here on campus for the community. With a grant awarded from the Sonora Area Foundation and our faithful givers, many donated hours from Alley Tree & Landscape and others, we are so excited to officially announce that this walking path is ready for you.

The beginning ...

There's a vision to the madness

Realizing we needed a bridged area over the creek

And then the pavers came!

Time to join us out here.
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