Walk in Wisdom
For a couple of days a couple of weeks ago (are you following this?), a few of us staffers went up to Hume Lake Christian Camp to encourage the 200+ SBC students and counselors who were there for the week. As we were able to visit each of the three camp areas that our staffers and students were in, there was one theme that continued to follow. Wisdom. Over and over I heard things like, "Don't walk on that", "Grab your life jacket", "Go use the bathroom", "Drink your water", "Pay Attention". All wise reminders for the restless counselors to repeat in unison, because at some point the wisdom we have gained becomes the wisdom we realize we need to offer.
As we continue to walk through these red words of the Bible in the Sermon on the Mount, we read the very words of Jesus that are our reminders of His perfect wisdom. From the literal beginning of creation, mankind searched for wisdom. Genesis 3 tells us that Eve was drawn to the tree as a way of gaining wisdom, which tells me that there is an inherent lacking in us that we've always tried to fill with our own understanding. We know this because how did that work out for Adam and Eve? How has that worked out for us? For me, when I lean on my own understanding and my own accomplishments, which in all honesty I'd hope would carry me, it's a quick face plant to floor. It's a stumbling block in my parenting when I think I can move ahead without consulting God. It's a prideful arrogance when I think I can forge ahead with plans that don't include a dependence on Him. When I lack wisdom, it's evident.
So what is Jesus inviting us into when He calls us to pray? Pastor Nate says we are invited to boldly ask Him to take our cup. Think of your cup. What's in it? Today, mine looks odd. It's both murky yet polished. It's filled with sorrow and worry for a dear friend and my uncle who were given grave cancer diagnoses. This cup also holds a few unknowns for the school year that I wish I could control, if I'm being honest. There are decisions that our family needs to finalize that I'd rather not have to deal with because they are uncomfortable. But it's like all of the muck was poured into a clean glass because at the top, I can see the shine of the dishwasher's magic. In that space just along the rim, where it's almost glowing in the sunshine, is the excitement of our SBC Fall Groups launching soon. The hope that God continues to meet us where we're at, with just what we need from Him and we, in turn, get to lean in and absorb His good teaching amongst merciful friendships. This is my cup today and the invitation from our loving Father is that I get to offer that up to Him, muck and all.
The very nature of prayer is intimacy. It's us presenting ourselves before our King. Not the perfect versions of ourselves. Not who we think God needs us to be before we bow a knee. Not the image of who others think we are. Just ourselves.
So what stops you from praying today? What is distracting you or misguiding you from entering into that intimacy with our Jesus? Is it worry that you won't be heard? Is it the concern that what you have in your cup is either not enough to grab His attention or maybe too much that He won't be able to handle it? Guess what- He's God. He can handle all of it. The intimacy of prayer is communion with our Father- whether by thanksgiving or petition, He listens. He is present. The very same God who created the world and everything in it, is the very same God who is near to you. Decide today to live a prayerful life. Lean into the wisdom He has to offer. What's there to lose?
As we continue to walk through these red words of the Bible in the Sermon on the Mount, we read the very words of Jesus that are our reminders of His perfect wisdom. From the literal beginning of creation, mankind searched for wisdom. Genesis 3 tells us that Eve was drawn to the tree as a way of gaining wisdom, which tells me that there is an inherent lacking in us that we've always tried to fill with our own understanding. We know this because how did that work out for Adam and Eve? How has that worked out for us? For me, when I lean on my own understanding and my own accomplishments, which in all honesty I'd hope would carry me, it's a quick face plant to floor. It's a stumbling block in my parenting when I think I can move ahead without consulting God. It's a prideful arrogance when I think I can forge ahead with plans that don't include a dependence on Him. When I lack wisdom, it's evident.
So what is Jesus inviting us into when He calls us to pray? Pastor Nate says we are invited to boldly ask Him to take our cup. Think of your cup. What's in it? Today, mine looks odd. It's both murky yet polished. It's filled with sorrow and worry for a dear friend and my uncle who were given grave cancer diagnoses. This cup also holds a few unknowns for the school year that I wish I could control, if I'm being honest. There are decisions that our family needs to finalize that I'd rather not have to deal with because they are uncomfortable. But it's like all of the muck was poured into a clean glass because at the top, I can see the shine of the dishwasher's magic. In that space just along the rim, where it's almost glowing in the sunshine, is the excitement of our SBC Fall Groups launching soon. The hope that God continues to meet us where we're at, with just what we need from Him and we, in turn, get to lean in and absorb His good teaching amongst merciful friendships. This is my cup today and the invitation from our loving Father is that I get to offer that up to Him, muck and all.
The very nature of prayer is intimacy. It's us presenting ourselves before our King. Not the perfect versions of ourselves. Not who we think God needs us to be before we bow a knee. Not the image of who others think we are. Just ourselves.
So what stops you from praying today? What is distracting you or misguiding you from entering into that intimacy with our Jesus? Is it worry that you won't be heard? Is it the concern that what you have in your cup is either not enough to grab His attention or maybe too much that He won't be able to handle it? Guess what- He's God. He can handle all of it. The intimacy of prayer is communion with our Father- whether by thanksgiving or petition, He listens. He is present. The very same God who created the world and everything in it, is the very same God who is near to you. Decide today to live a prayerful life. Lean into the wisdom He has to offer. What's there to lose?
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