Sermon Recap: June 12

I know this recap normally comes on a Monday, but I was lounging and playing on the beach in Pismo all week and figured we'll just end the week together. So, hi! I'm so glad you're here and certainly hope you were able to join us in person or on YouTube last Sunday as Pastor Nate Levering preached.
What does God desire for you?
How are you abiding in Him to know what He wants for you?
As a part of our SBC summer rhythm, with the reading plan through Psalms and Proverbs, as well as 8@8, we want to change the way we engage with Scripture, creating a pattern to our day as we learn more about what it means to regularly abide in Christ. We welcome you to join us as we work within that rhythm this summer.
In John 15, as Pastor Nate was preaching on, lays out the metaphor that God is the vine and we are the branches. As we abide in Him, we bare fruit. As God is the Gardener and Jesus the true vine, you and I connect to what God desires in us and through us. This abiding and remaining relationship is with Jesus. So what does it look like to gather in this kind of relationship?
Imagine now a table being a visual of sacred assembly. Perhaps your dinner table doesn't feel so sacred. If it's like mine, there's usually homework spread out for 9 months of the year and Legos or dolls spread out during the other 3 months. It's not often clean and certainly doesn't feel sacred. BUT ... it is where we gather. We gather for meals and game nights and sometimes for family meetings. Well, there or the couch or on our porch, but you get the picture.
In Leviticus 23: 1-2, the Israelites are figuring out what it looks like to gather in celebration together:
"The Lord said to Moses, 'speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.'"
The nation of Israel was tempted to put other things in the place of God. God called them to seven festivals, bringing the best of what they have and celebrating together. Why? So that God could pattern their hearts to receive rather than earn. What would it look like for you to live against the tide of entitlement, and instead live generously in your community with what you have?
1. Assemble with intention.
2. Consider how you pray.
3. Be present.
4. Learn to love and be loved.
As we move with the patterns of abiding and gathering, we invite you to join our Backyard Potlucks next week! Click here to sign up. We can't wait to see you!
What does God desire for you?
How are you abiding in Him to know what He wants for you?
As a part of our SBC summer rhythm, with the reading plan through Psalms and Proverbs, as well as 8@8, we want to change the way we engage with Scripture, creating a pattern to our day as we learn more about what it means to regularly abide in Christ. We welcome you to join us as we work within that rhythm this summer.
In John 15, as Pastor Nate was preaching on, lays out the metaphor that God is the vine and we are the branches. As we abide in Him, we bare fruit. As God is the Gardener and Jesus the true vine, you and I connect to what God desires in us and through us. This abiding and remaining relationship is with Jesus. So what does it look like to gather in this kind of relationship?
Imagine now a table being a visual of sacred assembly. Perhaps your dinner table doesn't feel so sacred. If it's like mine, there's usually homework spread out for 9 months of the year and Legos or dolls spread out during the other 3 months. It's not often clean and certainly doesn't feel sacred. BUT ... it is where we gather. We gather for meals and game nights and sometimes for family meetings. Well, there or the couch or on our porch, but you get the picture.
In Leviticus 23: 1-2, the Israelites are figuring out what it looks like to gather in celebration together:
"The Lord said to Moses, 'speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.'"
The nation of Israel was tempted to put other things in the place of God. God called them to seven festivals, bringing the best of what they have and celebrating together. Why? So that God could pattern their hearts to receive rather than earn. What would it look like for you to live against the tide of entitlement, and instead live generously in your community with what you have?
1. Assemble with intention.
2. Consider how you pray.
3. Be present.
4. Learn to love and be loved.
As we move with the patterns of abiding and gathering, we invite you to join our Backyard Potlucks next week! Click here to sign up. We can't wait to see you!
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