Let's Talk Money: Financial Peace
Today we're highlighting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, and who better to talk about this with, than our very own FPU guide, Mr. Jerry Woodward. You might be asking yourself why this matters. Perhaps you're disgruntled because of all the various issues I can bring to you, I'm talking about money and that, already, is a conflicting issue. So hopefully we change your mind if that's you today. 1 Timothy 6:10 tells us that money is the root of many evils. Why is this? Well, it doesn't take my three daughters long to complain or argue if money is involved. "It's not fair". "She took my quarter". "I need this". Yep. Sounds like quarreling to me, a definite evil that parents have to face early on. Are you with me?
From the very beginning in Genesis, until well into the New Testament, Scripture not only defines the use of money, but the value and practice of it. I'd dare believe that if it wasn't that imperative an issue for our lives, our society or the inner-workings of our souls, the idea of money wouldn't have been highlighted that often. My favorite reference is from Matthew 6:24. Jesus is already talking about giving to the needy at the beginning of the chapter, which is then followed by the infamous Lord's Prayer. There is a great lead up to verse 24 as Jesus moves us through fasting and laying up our treasure's in Heaven, when He says, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money". The follow up is Jesus discussing anxiety. How often have you felt anxious over money, whether it's the unknown of a paycheck and struggling to pay bills, or knowing what amount to tithe because the idea is completely foreign to you? And this, dear friend, is why we're talking with Jerry today about financial peace.
How long have you been teaching this course?
13 years
Oh, so you probably know what you're doing :)
What was it like to go through the training for this?
I was assigned a "financial coach" from Dave Ramsey's office, if I needed one. Although the course is video-driven, and the online coaching materials help with organizing the discussion groups, my experience with leading life groups and my 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher have helped a lot.
I'd say so!
How has it freed up your life?
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program helps his participants to create a spending plan that provides a basis for their financial decisions. The 9-week course helps all participants to develop a mindset that money is a TOOL; not something to be feared. It teaches the discipline of telling your money where it needs to go, and to be a generous giver of both your time and resources. Today, I am completely financially free, and have a healthy retirement portfolio.
When is the next class?
Hopefully, September, 2022, if I can figure out a way to get the young families with children to attend. (Perhaps offer the class after the 2nd service and provide childcare and lunch). It would be a game-changer.
What is required to take this course?
$100 per family. Due to the size of the class, it is limited to only 2 people per family. But I have extended it to include a single person and one guest.
Today we're highlighting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, and who better to talk about this with, than our very own FPU guide, Mr. Jerry Woodward. You might be asking yourself why this matters. Perhaps you're disgruntled because of all the various issues I can bring to you, I'm talking about money and that, already, is a conflicting issue. So hopefully we change your mind if that's you today. 1 Timothy 6:10 tells us that money is the root of many evils. Why is this? Well, it doesn't take my three daughters long to complain or argue if money is involved. "It's not fair". "She took my quarter". "I need this". Yep. Sounds like quarreling to me, a definite evil that parents have to face early on. Are you with me?
From the very beginning in Genesis, until well into the New Testament, Scripture not only defines the use of money, but the value and practice of it. I'd dare believe that if it wasn't that imperative an issue for our lives, our society or the inner-workings of our souls, the idea of money wouldn't have been highlighted that often. My favorite reference is from Matthew 6:24. Jesus is already talking about giving to the needy at the beginning of the chapter, which is then followed by the infamous Lord's Prayer. There is a great lead up to verse 24 as Jesus moves us through fasting and laying up our treasure's in Heaven, when He says, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money". The follow up is Jesus discussing anxiety. How often have you felt anxious over money, whether it's the unknown of a paycheck and struggling to pay bills, or knowing what amount to tithe because the idea is completely foreign to you? And this, dear friend, is why we're talking with Jerry today about financial peace.
How long have you been teaching this course?
13 years
Oh, so you probably know what you're doing :)
What was it like to go through the training for this?
I was assigned a "financial coach" from Dave Ramsey's office, if I needed one. Although the course is video-driven, and the online coaching materials help with organizing the discussion groups, my experience with leading life groups and my 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher have helped a lot.
I'd say so!
How has it freed up your life?
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program helps his participants to create a spending plan that provides a basis for their financial decisions. The 9-week course helps all participants to develop a mindset that money is a TOOL; not something to be feared. It teaches the discipline of telling your money where it needs to go, and to be a generous giver of both your time and resources. Today, I am completely financially free, and have a healthy retirement portfolio.
When is the next class?
Hopefully, September, 2022, if I can figure out a way to get the young families with children to attend. (Perhaps offer the class after the 2nd service and provide childcare and lunch). It would be a game-changer.
What is required to take this course?
$100 per family. Due to the size of the class, it is limited to only 2 people per family. But I have extended it to include a single person and one guest.
Thanks for sharing, Jerry! One of our co-workers took the course and said this about it, "I took the class as my financial situation had recently changed dramatically. Financial Peace provided the tools to budget and track my expenses, pay off debt and save for the future . And more importantly, the lessons taught Biblical principles that gave me a passion to do so!" Amazing!
If you would like to know more about Financial Peace University, please click here.
If you would like to know more about Financial Peace University, please click here.
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