Missions Update: Mowads in Thailand

Good Afternoon Church. It is always a delight to hear from our local and global missionaries. Today, we're bringing you the Mowad Family. Bethany Mowad is the daughter of the SBC founding pastor, Mark Levering. She and her husband Matt, together with their 2 daughters, currently live and serve in Thailand. Here is the latest update from Matt:
The weeklong first responder training for Cambodian police officers went very well. Many of our relationships with existing partners were strengthened and several new relationships were established. The training was covered by national TV news and our team was able to debrief with the Commander of the Cambodian Army. Matt completed his advanced helicopter training in Texas and will return to Thailand in a few days. After some additional equipment is installed and the engine overhauled, the helicopter will be shipped to the mission field.
Marin and Brooke both had two major sporting events last month. Marin and Bethany competed internationally in a 5k open ocean swim and Marin took 2nd place among all of the females (Bethany took 3rd in her age category!). Marin also completed in nine events in a massive two-day Thai swim meet. We believe she was the only non-Asian competing! Brooke had two dressage and jumping competitions this last month and placed in several events. Brooke is also very deliberately forming relationship and being outspoken about her faith with one of the Thai boys at the ranch who is being raised by an aunt as he was abandoned by his mom.
The founder of We Are In Bloom is in Thailand for six weeks. Bethany has had the opportunity to meet with her and Nueng several times to assess and set goals for the New Year. The meetings have been extremely profitable both spiritually and in getting more product ready. We Are In Bloom was also able to participate in a local Christmas market at the girls’ school where they were able to sell product locally.
Bethany has restarted a regime of hormones and medication that have done a wonderful job of keeping her vertigo and vestibular migraines away. It definitely helps that it is cool season in Thailand but she is extremely grateful for no episodes in over a month.
Bethany and her Bread for Life program have established a partnership with the Lamphun Grace Church in Chiang Mai. They provided 17 Burmese orphan, high school students with their own backpacks, school supplies, and treated them to their FIRST ever meal in a restaurant. Additionally, along with a food delivery program, a food pantry was established at the church.
Bethany is assuming more leadership with the 1-5 year old Sunday school class at Safari Church. She is mentoring new teachers and regularly teaches the 20-25 children who attend. This is particularly challenging as our church literally meets inside a zoo and the Sunday school class meets in the outdoor waiting area of a tram ride!
Bethany’s monthly Women’s Connection resumed this month in our home with about twenty women gathered to eat, fellowship and be encouraged from Luke 16:33 on bravery.
And we are EXTREMELY grateful and humbled to receive an unexpected donation from a Sonora-based family. It was largest one-time donation we have ever received.
Bethany was in a serious car/ motorcycle accident in November. She is physically ok but the Thai man involved is still in a coma and showing very slow signs of improvement. The “case” is still completely unresolved, our car still impounded, and the man remains mostly alone. Bethany and our Thai lawyer/language tutor make calls and visits periodically to encourage him.
Thank you, church. Your continued partnership with Sierra Bible Church directly impacts not only our local community, but the reach of these missionaries on a global scale.
Good Afternoon Church. It is always a delight to hear from our local and global missionaries. Today, we're bringing you the Mowad Family. Bethany Mowad is the daughter of the SBC founding pastor, Mark Levering. She and her husband Matt, together with their 2 daughters, currently live and serve in Thailand. Here is the latest update from Matt:
The weeklong first responder training for Cambodian police officers went very well. Many of our relationships with existing partners were strengthened and several new relationships were established. The training was covered by national TV news and our team was able to debrief with the Commander of the Cambodian Army. Matt completed his advanced helicopter training in Texas and will return to Thailand in a few days. After some additional equipment is installed and the engine overhauled, the helicopter will be shipped to the mission field.
Marin and Brooke both had two major sporting events last month. Marin and Bethany competed internationally in a 5k open ocean swim and Marin took 2nd place among all of the females (Bethany took 3rd in her age category!). Marin also completed in nine events in a massive two-day Thai swim meet. We believe she was the only non-Asian competing! Brooke had two dressage and jumping competitions this last month and placed in several events. Brooke is also very deliberately forming relationship and being outspoken about her faith with one of the Thai boys at the ranch who is being raised by an aunt as he was abandoned by his mom.
The founder of We Are In Bloom is in Thailand for six weeks. Bethany has had the opportunity to meet with her and Nueng several times to assess and set goals for the New Year. The meetings have been extremely profitable both spiritually and in getting more product ready. We Are In Bloom was also able to participate in a local Christmas market at the girls’ school where they were able to sell product locally.
Bethany has restarted a regime of hormones and medication that have done a wonderful job of keeping her vertigo and vestibular migraines away. It definitely helps that it is cool season in Thailand but she is extremely grateful for no episodes in over a month.
Bethany and her Bread for Life program have established a partnership with the Lamphun Grace Church in Chiang Mai. They provided 17 Burmese orphan, high school students with their own backpacks, school supplies, and treated them to their FIRST ever meal in a restaurant. Additionally, along with a food delivery program, a food pantry was established at the church.
Bethany is assuming more leadership with the 1-5 year old Sunday school class at Safari Church. She is mentoring new teachers and regularly teaches the 20-25 children who attend. This is particularly challenging as our church literally meets inside a zoo and the Sunday school class meets in the outdoor waiting area of a tram ride!
Bethany’s monthly Women’s Connection resumed this month in our home with about twenty women gathered to eat, fellowship and be encouraged from Luke 16:33 on bravery.
And we are EXTREMELY grateful and humbled to receive an unexpected donation from a Sonora-based family. It was largest one-time donation we have ever received.
Bethany was in a serious car/ motorcycle accident in November. She is physically ok but the Thai man involved is still in a coma and showing very slow signs of improvement. The “case” is still completely unresolved, our car still impounded, and the man remains mostly alone. Bethany and our Thai lawyer/language tutor make calls and visits periodically to encourage him.
Thank you, church. Your continued partnership with Sierra Bible Church directly impacts not only our local community, but the reach of these missionaries on a global scale.
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