Meet Randy Richter

Let's talk about a man with many hats. Not much hair, but many hats. Mr. Richter is our Church Administrator, a dad, husband, grandfather, friend, church Elder, and much more! You might know the last name because you went to school with one of his three amazing children. You've likely seen him straightening up the Commons or locking the doors in Promiseland after all the children leave. He's likely taken you to lunch a time or two, or would like to *hint hint*. Let's meet Mr. Randy Richter! (For added excitement, click here, you know you want to).
Let's talk about a man with many hats. Not much hair, but many hats. Mr. Richter is our Church Administrator, a dad, husband, grandfather, friend, church Elder, and much more! You might know the last name because you went to school with one of his three amazing children. You've likely seen him straightening up the Commons or locking the doors in Promiseland after all the children leave. He's likely taken you to lunch a time or two, or would like to *hint hint*. Let's meet Mr. Randy Richter! (For added excitement, click here, you know you want to).

1.What were you like in high school? I was very shy around groups of people.
My first “date” was with a friend from a school bible club for Senior Prom! Exploring came naturally so I enjoyed both learning and being out in the wilderness of Yosemite. I also rode a moped to school so yes, I was firmly in the nerd category.
2. How would you describe your position on staff at SBC?
Director of Operations includes a wide variety of responsibilities. My position supports the mission and ministry of the church through stewarding our finances, facilities, and human resources. It requires me to have breadth of knowledge to problem solve and maintain systems for our church.
3. Tell us some of the top reasons you love your wife, Cathy.
Our shared love for the outdoors and exploring. Her empathy for those that suffer. Her ability to support me and keep me grounded. The love she has for our children and grandchildren expressed through prayer and the joy of being together. And she enjoys watching football!
4. How has it been being a grandpa? Do they call you grandpa or something different? Being part of the Grandpa club is amazing! Spending time with them brings me joy that is hard to describe. They are so fun to play with and open to talk about God. They call me Opa which is German for grandpa.
5. How would you title your autobiography?
Just Around the Bend.
6. What does your perfect ice cream sundae look like?
Mint chip ice cream, Hot Fudge, whipped cream, and some pecans on top.
7. If you could instantly learn a new skill, what would it be?
A tie between playing guitar and welding.
My first “date” was with a friend from a school bible club for Senior Prom! Exploring came naturally so I enjoyed both learning and being out in the wilderness of Yosemite. I also rode a moped to school so yes, I was firmly in the nerd category.
2. How would you describe your position on staff at SBC?
Director of Operations includes a wide variety of responsibilities. My position supports the mission and ministry of the church through stewarding our finances, facilities, and human resources. It requires me to have breadth of knowledge to problem solve and maintain systems for our church.
3. Tell us some of the top reasons you love your wife, Cathy.
Our shared love for the outdoors and exploring. Her empathy for those that suffer. Her ability to support me and keep me grounded. The love she has for our children and grandchildren expressed through prayer and the joy of being together. And she enjoys watching football!
4. How has it been being a grandpa? Do they call you grandpa or something different? Being part of the Grandpa club is amazing! Spending time with them brings me joy that is hard to describe. They are so fun to play with and open to talk about God. They call me Opa which is German for grandpa.
5. How would you title your autobiography?
Just Around the Bend.
6. What does your perfect ice cream sundae look like?
Mint chip ice cream, Hot Fudge, whipped cream, and some pecans on top.
7. If you could instantly learn a new skill, what would it be?
A tie between playing guitar and welding.

Ok, church. There he is! Be sure to say HI now that you can put a face to a name.
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