Meet The New Kid: Sarah Sommarstrom
Friendship Ministry Coordinator
Friendship Ministry Coordinator

You read it right, Sarah is our new kid on the block. As Terri transitions into retirement and makes some huge life shifts, we knew we needed someone for the position of Friendship Ministry Coordinator. We have been incredibly blessed by the service and leadership of Terri, and we are equally as thrilled to welcome Sarah. Please join us in the welcome!
1. Like myself, you are an import to Sonora/ Tuolumne County. Tell us a little about where you grew up.
I was born in glorious, rainy Seattle, Washington and raised just outside Seattle in Kent! I absolutely love the gloom and rain of the Pacific Northwest! Go Seahawks!!!
2. Many have seen your two little girls in tow, but may not know the many miracles that came into play with your youngest, Kennedy (aka: KJ/ Moose). Tell us a little of her birth story and why she is nicknamed Moose.
Our little Moose was born at 28 weeks 4 days (almost 3 month early) . I ended up having an infection and Kennedy kick started her entrance into the world despite all the doctor's efforts to keep her in. She was rushed to Doctors Hospital in Modesto after an emergency C-section here in Sonora. She was in the NICU for 8 weeks and 1 day. By God's grace she didn't need any major medical intervention. She needed to grow and gain weight (birth weight was 2lbs 9oz). She was a pretty mellow baby in the NICU but there was another little girl that was feisty! She was quite loud when she wasn't happy and the nurse's gave her the nickname Moose. Weeks later after we brought Kennedy home, she began to find her voice and my husband says "we have a little Moose on our hands". We looked at each other and said, "Well I guess that's her nickname now!".
3. What is the greatest sport of all time, and who is the supreme athlete of all time? Careful ... you might be judged for this.
Greatest sport ever is for sure BASKETBALL! If you don't believe me, watch one March Madness and you'll be a believer! My favorite player growing up was Gary Payton, the amazing point guard for the Seattle SuperSonics! Was my oldest daughter named after him? But in the debate of Jordan vs. LeBron I am totally team Jordan! My true love is the Stanford Women's basketball team and you will for sure see me wearing my Stanford Cardinal gear.
*Are we all wearing Stanford gear to make sure she feels welcomed?
4. If you could take a road trip anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you explore and why?
I would start on the East Coast. Being from the West Coast I only made it over there a few times in my life so far. Exploring and eating in New York and Boston would be great. Going to the numerous museums and historic sites would be awesome! I would then head up to Prince Edward Island, Canada where the Reeves (Maiden name) landed after leaving England. There are still some Reeves Family farms up there and distant cousins. That would be epic! And then jump over to England and Scotland! I went there in college for a mission trip and would love to go back and explore more places and do some eating!
5. What is your hope for the Commons and Friendship Ministry?
I would love for it to become a great hang out spot between/after services, where people intentionally come to meet up with friends or meet new friends. Church is such a community experience and I think many miss out on that by going to church then leaving and heading straight for their cars. You could be missing out on a great experience/friendship by peacing out so quickly! I encourage everyone to grab a cup of coffee/tea/hot coco/water/pop and stick around to see what God has for you in the Commons! You just never know!!!
Well, church, God brought us a good one, don't you think. Be sure to introduce yourselves on Sunday.
1. Like myself, you are an import to Sonora/ Tuolumne County. Tell us a little about where you grew up.
I was born in glorious, rainy Seattle, Washington and raised just outside Seattle in Kent! I absolutely love the gloom and rain of the Pacific Northwest! Go Seahawks!!!
2. Many have seen your two little girls in tow, but may not know the many miracles that came into play with your youngest, Kennedy (aka: KJ/ Moose). Tell us a little of her birth story and why she is nicknamed Moose.
Our little Moose was born at 28 weeks 4 days (almost 3 month early) . I ended up having an infection and Kennedy kick started her entrance into the world despite all the doctor's efforts to keep her in. She was rushed to Doctors Hospital in Modesto after an emergency C-section here in Sonora. She was in the NICU for 8 weeks and 1 day. By God's grace she didn't need any major medical intervention. She needed to grow and gain weight (birth weight was 2lbs 9oz). She was a pretty mellow baby in the NICU but there was another little girl that was feisty! She was quite loud when she wasn't happy and the nurse's gave her the nickname Moose. Weeks later after we brought Kennedy home, she began to find her voice and my husband says "we have a little Moose on our hands". We looked at each other and said, "Well I guess that's her nickname now!".
3. What is the greatest sport of all time, and who is the supreme athlete of all time? Careful ... you might be judged for this.
Greatest sport ever is for sure BASKETBALL! If you don't believe me, watch one March Madness and you'll be a believer! My favorite player growing up was Gary Payton, the amazing point guard for the Seattle SuperSonics! Was my oldest daughter named after him? But in the debate of Jordan vs. LeBron I am totally team Jordan! My true love is the Stanford Women's basketball team and you will for sure see me wearing my Stanford Cardinal gear.
*Are we all wearing Stanford gear to make sure she feels welcomed?
4. If you could take a road trip anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you explore and why?
I would start on the East Coast. Being from the West Coast I only made it over there a few times in my life so far. Exploring and eating in New York and Boston would be great. Going to the numerous museums and historic sites would be awesome! I would then head up to Prince Edward Island, Canada where the Reeves (Maiden name) landed after leaving England. There are still some Reeves Family farms up there and distant cousins. That would be epic! And then jump over to England and Scotland! I went there in college for a mission trip and would love to go back and explore more places and do some eating!
5. What is your hope for the Commons and Friendship Ministry?
I would love for it to become a great hang out spot between/after services, where people intentionally come to meet up with friends or meet new friends. Church is such a community experience and I think many miss out on that by going to church then leaving and heading straight for their cars. You could be missing out on a great experience/friendship by peacing out so quickly! I encourage everyone to grab a cup of coffee/tea/hot coco/water/pop and stick around to see what God has for you in the Commons! You just never know!!!
Well, church, God brought us a good one, don't you think. Be sure to introduce yourselves on Sunday.

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