Sermon Recap: Ukraine/ Russia

Sunday's service was certainly unlike most of our sermons, which seemed suitable for a world on our knees. Pastor Nate Levering introduced three of our congregation members: Nate Milnik, Annie Wilson and Gary Parsons, all of whom have spent significant time in both Ukraine and/ or Russia. As we know, last Thursday, February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. What a sentence. Though war is not new to our world, the weight of this invasion is heavy and the nearness of the threats are devastating. Sierra Bible Church has had a long-standing relationship with numerous churches worldwide. One of which is in Russia. Another in Ukraine. From partnering with Young Life ministries to orphan rescue, we, in our small town Sonora church, have been blessed with a far reach and praise the Lord for that.
As Nate, Annie and Gary shared stories of their time and connection with people on the ground in these countries, we were also invited into the very real challenge to be more than just a passer-through, stand-by Believer. Nate Milnik, a professor of Philosophy, explained how God pulled on him while he and his family were recovering from Covid. He references N.T. Wright's God and the Pandemic, in which Wright recounts Jesus' response in John 9. Here He (Jesus) heals a blind man. The disciples were asking Jesus question after question about what made this man blind, because as we do, we like to find the culprit of blame. And I'm sure the disciples were waiting to hear what his sin was that blinded him, but instead, this is how Jesus answered:
"It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."
When the need to find blame supersedes our acknowledgement in a Sovereign God, we have a crisis of faith. In Acts 11, Agabus, a prophet from Jerusalem visited Antioch and foretold a global famine. In the temptation to be either selfish or judgmental, the disciples could have gathered up extra stock and bounty for themselves. Sound familiar? Rather, they agreed that everyone according to their abilities would send relief. Oh how there is a people desperate for relief today! One of our panelists, Annie Wilson, the wife of Pastor Kyle, served with an orphan and post-orphan ministry in the Sumy Oblast of Ukraine for twelve years, living there for eight years. Before and between services, she was receiving heart-wrenching messages from her contacts there in their search for refuge. Annie's words reminded us that we trust in a God who moves not only by what is seen but also by what is unseen. As her heart burdens by not physically being there to protect them, we join her in prayer for these men, women and orphans who are dependent on the mercy of our God. We trust together that He is moving beyond what we see, beyond what they hear, to be with them. Amen.
As Nate, Annie and Gary shared stories of their time and connection with people on the ground in these countries, we were also invited into the very real challenge to be more than just a passer-through, stand-by Believer. Nate Milnik, a professor of Philosophy, explained how God pulled on him while he and his family were recovering from Covid. He references N.T. Wright's God and the Pandemic, in which Wright recounts Jesus' response in John 9. Here He (Jesus) heals a blind man. The disciples were asking Jesus question after question about what made this man blind, because as we do, we like to find the culprit of blame. And I'm sure the disciples were waiting to hear what his sin was that blinded him, but instead, this is how Jesus answered:
"It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."
When the need to find blame supersedes our acknowledgement in a Sovereign God, we have a crisis of faith. In Acts 11, Agabus, a prophet from Jerusalem visited Antioch and foretold a global famine. In the temptation to be either selfish or judgmental, the disciples could have gathered up extra stock and bounty for themselves. Sound familiar? Rather, they agreed that everyone according to their abilities would send relief. Oh how there is a people desperate for relief today! One of our panelists, Annie Wilson, the wife of Pastor Kyle, served with an orphan and post-orphan ministry in the Sumy Oblast of Ukraine for twelve years, living there for eight years. Before and between services, she was receiving heart-wrenching messages from her contacts there in their search for refuge. Annie's words reminded us that we trust in a God who moves not only by what is seen but also by what is unseen. As her heart burdens by not physically being there to protect them, we join her in prayer for these men, women and orphans who are dependent on the mercy of our God. We trust together that He is moving beyond what we see, beyond what they hear, to be with them. Amen.

This has been the most difficult post to put together. There's a portion of both my heart and my brain that doesn't want to believe a war is raging, and yet, Phil Wickham's Battle Belongs plays in the background reminding me that as long as humanity has been given breath, there has been a battle. A war has and continues to rage for claim over our souls. Somehow, when we see it in the physical realm of surgence, the force of reality penetrates to the deepest part of our being and it all becomes real in a way we can no longer ignore.
So our friends, pray with us today:
... For those who cannot fight for themselves.
... For those on the defense, to be stirred and changed by God, recognizing Him as King.
... For the salvation of Putin, like Saul who was shaken by the presence of God, may this be so.
... For the miracles that God alone is able to do.
If you would like to speak to or pray with a pastor, please contact the church office at 209-532-1381.
So our friends, pray with us today:
... For those who cannot fight for themselves.
... For those on the defense, to be stirred and changed by God, recognizing Him as King.
... For the salvation of Putin, like Saul who was shaken by the presence of God, may this be so.
... For the miracles that God alone is able to do.
If you would like to speak to or pray with a pastor, please contact the church office at 209-532-1381.
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