The Best Ever.

Wrapping up the Exodus series, you've heard me say this and I'll say it again, I learned so much! Didn't you? What I continued to see was God repeatedly inviting His people into a relationship with Him, leaving a choice of obedience in their hands. We saw as they grumbled and complained. We read about their rescue from Pharaoh and journey through the bottom of the Red Sea. We've seen God's presence shown as both a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud. We've seen the disobedience and discord of God's people. And yet, in all of it, there's been an invitation to know God. And yet. Even seeing this pattern of human response, I learned and re-learned that from the beginning of time, God initiation has invited us not only to know Him but to lean in to Him, respond to His invitation and build a deeper faith in the truth He's set before us. The invitation to be close to Him is ever present.
Moving out of the Exodus series and into THE BEST NEWS EVER- the series that will take us up to Easter together, we will set our minds on this invitation, not only to lean into God's grace and provision, but a call to obedience through our response to what He's done for us. This week, we will envelop ourselves in MISSIONS! Whether you're new to our church or have been attending Sierra Bible Church for 40+ years, we hope you'll see the passion we have for local and global missions, committing 10% of our annual budget each year to the cause of making Jesus known everywhere! This Sunday, we're welcoming Jeff and Roxanne Johnson home to SBC, from their travels and ministry in the Muslim world. Friends, join us as hear what God is doing overseas and partner with us as we respond to the invitation of Jesus, which truly is the best news ever!
Moving out of the Exodus series and into THE BEST NEWS EVER- the series that will take us up to Easter together, we will set our minds on this invitation, not only to lean into God's grace and provision, but a call to obedience through our response to what He's done for us. This week, we will envelop ourselves in MISSIONS! Whether you're new to our church or have been attending Sierra Bible Church for 40+ years, we hope you'll see the passion we have for local and global missions, committing 10% of our annual budget each year to the cause of making Jesus known everywhere! This Sunday, we're welcoming Jeff and Roxanne Johnson home to SBC, from their travels and ministry in the Muslim world. Friends, join us as hear what God is doing overseas and partner with us as we respond to the invitation of Jesus, which truly is the best news ever!
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