I've Got You
I'd love to just start this post like any others but I also feel like because it has been such a long time in between this and the last one, I should take a quick second to reintroduce myself and this blog. The blog originated as a way to bring the Sunday sermon back to our mid-week minds, while also sharing some highlights from the week and reminders for upcoming events. What it turned into, I realized, was an incredibly special way for God to meet me in His word and in those sermons I'd recap. He'd graciously remind me of stories from my life that connected to His truth, gently refreshing Romans 8:28 in my soul, and through sharing those tidbits, you and I connected. You'd find me in the Commons on a Sunday or email me to tell me your story and that has been such a joy. I have absolutely loved hearing your stories as well.
Our church is in the midst of such a fun season of growth. We have newcomers each week. Friends are growing in their faith and in their families. Teams are building and strengthening. When I say fun, I mean ... this is FUN! What God does is so fun. Hard and all the things, sure. But certainly fun! So, hi! I'm Emily Turner and I get the amazing privilege of being our Director of Connection and Communication here at Sierra Bible Church. I've been attending SBC for the last 15 years and have been on staff for the last 3 of those years. I've served here in a variety of ways, from Youth Ministry and Kids Ministry to the Friendship Team and missions. When I say I love this church, I really mean I love this church!
But as much as I love this church, it was really hard to be vulnerable with you. It wasn't you. It was me. Back in January, if you were around, you may have heard Pastor Nate mention to pray for me as we weren't really sure what was happening and why I was so sick. It came on quickly. Below is a photo of me with my oldest daughter as she prepared for her very first middle school dance. We had been excitedly talking about it for weeks and I mustered up enough strength to get up, get in the passenger seat and walk her to the school gym door. This was one week in to having kaleidoscope vision, losing all balance and coordination, having facial paralysis on my right side, combating the worst head and right eye pain I've ever had, and battling constant nausea. I couldn't drive, could barely eat or drink, was quickly going blind in my right eye, losing the ability to walk and still found myself too prideful to ask for help. Pray for me, sure, but any other help, I'm good. UNTIL a dear friend, who also happens to be a nurse in town, called me literally the minute we got home from dropping our daughter off, and told me that God had put me on her heart and she needed to take me to the ER. It was because of that call that I went to the ER, had multiple MRI's and CT's, a spinal tap and more blood tests than I can count ... and eventually made my way to Stanford Hospital for even more blood tests and what turned out to be a 3-day steroid treatment for an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) diagnosis.
Our church is in the midst of such a fun season of growth. We have newcomers each week. Friends are growing in their faith and in their families. Teams are building and strengthening. When I say fun, I mean ... this is FUN! What God does is so fun. Hard and all the things, sure. But certainly fun! So, hi! I'm Emily Turner and I get the amazing privilege of being our Director of Connection and Communication here at Sierra Bible Church. I've been attending SBC for the last 15 years and have been on staff for the last 3 of those years. I've served here in a variety of ways, from Youth Ministry and Kids Ministry to the Friendship Team and missions. When I say I love this church, I really mean I love this church!
But as much as I love this church, it was really hard to be vulnerable with you. It wasn't you. It was me. Back in January, if you were around, you may have heard Pastor Nate mention to pray for me as we weren't really sure what was happening and why I was so sick. It came on quickly. Below is a photo of me with my oldest daughter as she prepared for her very first middle school dance. We had been excitedly talking about it for weeks and I mustered up enough strength to get up, get in the passenger seat and walk her to the school gym door. This was one week in to having kaleidoscope vision, losing all balance and coordination, having facial paralysis on my right side, combating the worst head and right eye pain I've ever had, and battling constant nausea. I couldn't drive, could barely eat or drink, was quickly going blind in my right eye, losing the ability to walk and still found myself too prideful to ask for help. Pray for me, sure, but any other help, I'm good. UNTIL a dear friend, who also happens to be a nurse in town, called me literally the minute we got home from dropping our daughter off, and told me that God had put me on her heart and she needed to take me to the ER. It was because of that call that I went to the ER, had multiple MRI's and CT's, a spinal tap and more blood tests than I can count ... and eventually made my way to Stanford Hospital for even more blood tests and what turned out to be a 3-day steroid treatment for an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) diagnosis.

Izzy & I before her middle school dance in January 2024
I'm sharing all of this because I needed help. There were people in my life who were looking and praying and seeing that this was a burden I could not carry on my own. Each day while I was at Stanford under such excellent care, God met me. He met me in the quiet at night when the other patients were sleeping and the lights were dimmed. He met me in the kindness of the nursing staff who created crafted eyewear for me while my vision was being corrected. He met me in the chaos of not knowing what was happening because I knew He knew. He met me in the moments of grief and mourning a diagnosis I never wanted. And over and over again He reminded me that I was never meant to do this life alone. I was never meant to single-handedly carry the burdens and weight of this world. I'm not even meant to carry the diagnosis of MS alone. And praise the Lord for that.

Eyewear #1 from Nurse

Eyewear #2 from Nurse
Eyewear #3 from Nurse
When I came home, because I was still unable to drive and was very slow to walk, my mom came to visit and helped in just about every way. Friends would pick me up for work so Eric could bring the girls to school and go to work. Someone paid for a house cleaner and I was incredibly awkward when she came to clean. It was great. Friends, not only be open to asking, but be open to the idea that God is waiting to meet you by the extent of someone else's generosity. Like Pastor Nate said on Sunday, "God makes it personal". God knows us so well and knows our needs even more than we do, so when he prompts us to help or prompts someone else to help you, listen.

Rachel & Sarah picking me up from Stanford to bring me HOME!

Surprising Pastor Nate

Finally being home with my family ... and showering after a hospital stay. Yay!

My mom (and dog) helping to load the dishwasher after I got home from Stanford.

Rachel picking me up for work when I couldn't drive yet.
Do you hear me, church? God is fun. Life is hard. Diagnoses are hard. Treatments can be hard. Days can definitely be hard. Carrying burdens is not easy. But not only is God good through all of it, He offers us JOY in it. We get to grow in our faith. We get to see His promise of truth conquering every hard thing about what we walk through. We get to experience life and connection and sweet moments with Him and it is fun.
Ok, well, I sure love you church and always consider it pure joy to be with you, share life with you and serve alongside of you. Tonight is our final Summer Growth Workshop so I'm headed up to the Commons shortly for our potluck. I hope you'll sign up and join us at Old Oak Ranch on August 18 for the all-church potluck/ picnic to we can have fun together. The Fall holds so many opportunities to build community and grow together so I hope you'll jump in!
Ok, well, I sure love you church and always consider it pure joy to be with you, share life with you and serve alongside of you. Tonight is our final Summer Growth Workshop so I'm headed up to the Commons shortly for our potluck. I hope you'll sign up and join us at Old Oak Ranch on August 18 for the all-church potluck/ picnic to we can have fun together. The Fall holds so many opportunities to build community and grow together so I hope you'll jump in!
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