Volunteer Spotlight: Heather Hauschildt

1. How long have you been a part of the SBC family, and what brought you here?
So we came to the church on and off when Laram was in Kindergarten. We were drawn to it because of the kids ministry. When he reached first grade he had this teacher, that was soooo full of energy, and RELENTLESSLY pursued our hearts to become more active. Hmmmm, I think her name was KATHY LEVERING. So, then it was game on. We fell in love quickly with the church and the people.
2. What keeps you at SBC?
What keeps us at SBC? DEFINITELY the kids ministry. For me it's the heart and soul of the church. I also love the focus on missions and community.
3. Tell us a little about why you chose Jesus.
Jesus CHOSE ME. He definitely pursued me, and I said yes. I made a commitment to be all in for him. After all, He gave ALL for me. He's everything I've always needed. He's my everything and I'm grateful he never gave up on me. He loved me until I could love myself.
4. What is your profession and what do you love the most about it?
I'm a stylist at Studio 3 Salon. I don't consider it a job though. I get the joy of making people feel good inside and out. I basically get payed to love on people. I SCORED in my profession of choice.
5. What are you most looking forward to this summer?
WE LOVE SWIMMING, anything to do with playing outside or near the WATER. Also, I plan on spending a lot of time supporting Laram (our son) at his new job. Ummmm, it's at Twain Harte lake, soooooooo, I see fun in the sun in our future while watching him thrive and grow in this new season of our lives. (We're working on Laram getting his drivers license too).
6. What is a goal you have for yourself or your family this year?
I would say it's always a goal the be a better human. To love more, to forgive always, and to say YES to what the Lord has for us.
Thank you Heather! And if you can see the pattern, yes we are highlighting Kids Ministry Volunteers because it's VBS time and they all deserve some huge high fives for their service! Go team!

Be sure to introduce yourself to the Heather and give her a huge THANK YOU the next time you see her ... likely in the Kids Min. Chapel singing and dancing along!
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