Head's Up!

Have you seen it? Has Derek Maxson challenged you to a toss? Is it a frisbee? Well, heads up church, we now have an official disc (which I have learned is different than a frisbee) golf course here on campus at Sierra Bible Church! Thanks to the partnership with Love Tuolumne and the many, many volunteers who came out to install baskets, we are on the map, quite literally actually. SBC is now on a disc golf app as a course. That's a sentence I never thought I'd write.
When you come onto campus from the Tuolumne Road entrance, just across from the office, you'll notice a gravel pathway to the right that will take you to our walking trail. Just beyond that is the course.
When you come onto campus from the Tuolumne Road entrance, just across from the office, you'll notice a gravel pathway to the right that will take you to our walking trail. Just beyond that is the course.
I honestly do not know the first or second thing about disc golf, but I do know this- God has beyond blessed us with a gorgeous campus. I think about the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. This comes shortly after Jesus asks the pharisees what they think of the Christ, challenging their why of listening to Jesus. The Parable of the Talents describes a man who is leaving on a journey and entrusts his servants with his property. Each servant was given talents according to his ability. Two of the servants did well by them and grew those talents, generating prosperity and acting in obedience. The other buried and hid it for he was afraid. When the man arrived home, the two who had regenerated the talents, were praised for their faithfulness, as Jesus narrates, "You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master" (vs. 21). That to say, we want to do well with what God has given us. It would be pure nonsense to hide this property and only use it for ourselves, while we have the opportunity and call to serve our community.
Unfortunately for my parents, I was the "why" kid. Why do we have to go to church? Why do I have to drink my milk before leaving the dinner table? Why, why, why? And now, unfortunately for Pastor Nate and some of the elders, I'm continuing to ask why. Why disc golf and why can't I refer to it as a frisbee? Here's the why: Sierra Bible Church and the property here is a gift. With this gift, God is calling us to give back and share what we have been given in order to love well and lead others to the name of Jesus. Wait, are we finding and following Jesus together? Where have I heard that before *wink, wink*?
In all seriousness, we are considering YOU in each prayerful decision and in how we offer this property to the community. We are grateful stewards over this land and over the hearts of our congregation. If you still have some "why's", please don't hesitate to call or email us here.
Unfortunately for my parents, I was the "why" kid. Why do we have to go to church? Why do I have to drink my milk before leaving the dinner table? Why, why, why? And now, unfortunately for Pastor Nate and some of the elders, I'm continuing to ask why. Why disc golf and why can't I refer to it as a frisbee? Here's the why: Sierra Bible Church and the property here is a gift. With this gift, God is calling us to give back and share what we have been given in order to love well and lead others to the name of Jesus. Wait, are we finding and following Jesus together? Where have I heard that before *wink, wink*?
In all seriousness, we are considering YOU in each prayerful decision and in how we offer this property to the community. We are grateful stewards over this land and over the hearts of our congregation. If you still have some "why's", please don't hesitate to call or email us here.
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