Book Review: Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan

Born and raised in South India, Dr. K.P. Yohannan had heard stories of North India from a visiting group of missionaries. It was then, at 16 years old, that he decided to join a European missions group in North India. From his experience there, Yohannan was invited to attend a Bible institute in Singapore. In 1974, Yohannan and his wife came to the United States and began pastoring a church in Dallas. After some time he was reminded of his deep love and burden for the people of Asia, which sparked the birth of Gospel for Asia in 1979.
This book, Revolution in World Missions, will challenge how you not only think of global missions but also your own response and action around specific needs. If you're looking for the warm and cozy side of Jesus book, this is not it. The book is divided into three sections: The Vision, The Call and The Way, where you'll read chapters addressing American privilege and the struggles for nationals once short term missionaries leave.
"In village after village I found that our literature and preaching appeared to have had little lasting impact. The fruit had not remained. Most of the villages we visited appeared just as illiterate, idolatrous and demon-controlled as ever. The people still were locked in disease, poverty and suffering. The Gospel, it seemed to me, hadn't taken root" (p. 35).
This is powerful to hear. You may not agree with all or even any of it, but my hope in bringing this to you, church, is that for such a time as this, as war wages, families and countries are divided, God calls us to more. Doesn't he always? And he prepares the way for us as it moves the mission of His kingdom forward. That's what, I believe, beats through these words- an invitation to see our freedoms as privilege and abundance as opportunity.
"Here (in America) were people of great privilege- a nation more able, more affluent and more free to act on the Great commission that any other in all of history. Yet my audiences did not seem to comprehend this" (p. 75).
Church, may I suggest this to be a much timely read?
This can be found in our church library if you'd like to check it out. And YES! We have a church library. Did you know this? It's in the church office, which is located on the left when you first drive onto the campus from Tuolumne Road. Come on in! OR you can order your free version here.
This book, Revolution in World Missions, will challenge how you not only think of global missions but also your own response and action around specific needs. If you're looking for the warm and cozy side of Jesus book, this is not it. The book is divided into three sections: The Vision, The Call and The Way, where you'll read chapters addressing American privilege and the struggles for nationals once short term missionaries leave.
"In village after village I found that our literature and preaching appeared to have had little lasting impact. The fruit had not remained. Most of the villages we visited appeared just as illiterate, idolatrous and demon-controlled as ever. The people still were locked in disease, poverty and suffering. The Gospel, it seemed to me, hadn't taken root" (p. 35).
This is powerful to hear. You may not agree with all or even any of it, but my hope in bringing this to you, church, is that for such a time as this, as war wages, families and countries are divided, God calls us to more. Doesn't he always? And he prepares the way for us as it moves the mission of His kingdom forward. That's what, I believe, beats through these words- an invitation to see our freedoms as privilege and abundance as opportunity.
"Here (in America) were people of great privilege- a nation more able, more affluent and more free to act on the Great commission that any other in all of history. Yet my audiences did not seem to comprehend this" (p. 75).
Church, may I suggest this to be a much timely read?
This can be found in our church library if you'd like to check it out. And YES! We have a church library. Did you know this? It's in the church office, which is located on the left when you first drive onto the campus from Tuolumne Road. Come on in! OR you can order your free version here.
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