Ministry Update: Junior High

with Kyle Wilson
with Kyle Wilson
There's a widespread church joke that it takes a special person to work with kids. It takes a really special person to work with middle school kids. But it takes a unicorn of a person to love working with middle school kids. Folks, we have ourselves a unicorn. Don't call him that. Well, maybe do and let me know how he responds.
Pastor Kyle Wilson came to us unexpectedly in a time of prayer for a Youth Pastor. He and his wife, Annie, who many of you heard speak a couple of Sundays ago, moved up from the East Bay Area and we could not be more thrilled!
Junior High continues to meet on Mondays from 6:30-8:00 in the Youth Portable, to the right of the Worship Center. Currently, the ministry averages 30 students representing most of the schools and even home school here in Tuolumne County. Student Ministries is always in need of volunteer help. From program to snack donations, your help is welcome!
A typical Junior High night includes games, a message with worship (featuring a student-led worship team!) and small group time. The last Monday of each month is now known as MESSY MONDAY, where you'll see anything from extreme ice cream sundaes to a flour ball fight!
Pastor Kyle Wilson came to us unexpectedly in a time of prayer for a Youth Pastor. He and his wife, Annie, who many of you heard speak a couple of Sundays ago, moved up from the East Bay Area and we could not be more thrilled!
Junior High continues to meet on Mondays from 6:30-8:00 in the Youth Portable, to the right of the Worship Center. Currently, the ministry averages 30 students representing most of the schools and even home school here in Tuolumne County. Student Ministries is always in need of volunteer help. From program to snack donations, your help is welcome!
A typical Junior High night includes games, a message with worship (featuring a student-led worship team!) and small group time. The last Monday of each month is now known as MESSY MONDAY, where you'll see anything from extreme ice cream sundaes to a flour ball fight!

The students are wrapping up a 4-week study in Philippians where they recently discussed the importance of being One church. As we continue to look at the crisis abroad, Pastor Kyle has invited students into prayer and support for the global church community.
This summer, students will gather together at Hume Lake Christian Camps for a week as they have oodles of fun, dive deeper in the Word and grow both in their relationships with each other and with Jesus. Sign-ups for this summer are full, but please email Kyle ( to be placed on the waiting list!
Ways to get plugged in:
1. SERVE! Like we said, this ministry always needs volunteers.
2. DONATE items for snacks and raffle prizes.
3. LOOK in the bulletin on Sundays for opportunities to connect.
4. GET the emails and notifications. If you have not yet subscribed to Kyle's emails or the notifications for the app, please email Kyle,
This summer, students will gather together at Hume Lake Christian Camps for a week as they have oodles of fun, dive deeper in the Word and grow both in their relationships with each other and with Jesus. Sign-ups for this summer are full, but please email Kyle ( to be placed on the waiting list!
Ways to get plugged in:
1. SERVE! Like we said, this ministry always needs volunteers.
2. DONATE items for snacks and raffle prizes.
3. LOOK in the bulletin on Sundays for opportunities to connect.
4. GET the emails and notifications. If you have not yet subscribed to Kyle's emails or the notifications for the app, please email Kyle,
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