Exodus: February 5

February 5, 2023
Teaching Pastor: Randy Richter, SBC Elder
Exodus 7-11
God will not be mocked.
The living breath of our Lord emanates through the book of Exodus, reminding us that God's power is the same today, yesterday and always, for who has the power not only to restore hearts, but to also harden them? Over and over again, we read, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, as the Lord had said. None of what happened, or happens still, is a surprise to God.
It takes but a second to consider our desperate need for a Savior. My news feed daily reminds me and echoes the early and desperate pleas of Israelites for freedom and relief. But God fulfills His purposes His way, not ours. The plagues were a warning- God is not to be mocked. From frogs and gnats to the death of a first born son, one after another, these plagues were a warning from God. The things of value to these Egyptians were destroyed and Pharaoh still challenged the power and voice of God. The insistent demands of Pharaoh to keep a nation and a people enslaved was nothing compared to where God would move. It's tempting to ask why God couldn't just remove Pharaoh completely or never allow the stronghold he had, but where is need then? If we are never in need of a Savior, never in need of freedom because it is quickly handed to us, where is faith? Where is hope and where is the margin of dependence on a God who so desires to be near to us? Can God create peace and freedom in an instant? Certainly. So what is gained when He doesn't?
The word 'pharaoh' is the Greek form of the Egyptian pero or per-a-a, meaning `Great House'*, which established a cultural and allowable lordship over both the Egyptians and Israelites, so when his word was questioned and challenged, there was imminent resistance. This resistance could have thwarted Moses and Aaron's obedience to God's calling, but God's faithful promise upheld their strength. Each time Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh, demanding him to let the Israelites go, it paved a way for generations to live with bold obedience to wherever God has them (us) and whatever He is calling them (us) into, or out of.
On Monday mornings, a group of moms from my kid's school gathers to pray. This morning, as we ended and I was leaving, my soul felt like it was walking into battle. Guarded but ready. As we named our children, praying through and addressing the very present issues of sin they face or will face, I left more aware of the battleground we are living in. There is an ever-ready and preemptive captor on the prowl, but when I consider the faith that Moses and Aaron leaned into, generations before us, I am grateful that we serve the SAME GOD who led them, carried them and restored them to freedom.
What will the generations after us remember about our fight for faith? What will they mimic? Will it be bold obedience to our God in the face of resistance? I sure hope so but that also requires us to live accordingly so they know what it looks like. And sometimes that's hard. I've yet to read a Bible verse quoting the easiness of following God, but I do read countless verses that celebrate His promises and that's gotta be worth it!
Teaching Pastor: Randy Richter, SBC Elder
Exodus 7-11
God will not be mocked.
The living breath of our Lord emanates through the book of Exodus, reminding us that God's power is the same today, yesterday and always, for who has the power not only to restore hearts, but to also harden them? Over and over again, we read, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, as the Lord had said. None of what happened, or happens still, is a surprise to God.
It takes but a second to consider our desperate need for a Savior. My news feed daily reminds me and echoes the early and desperate pleas of Israelites for freedom and relief. But God fulfills His purposes His way, not ours. The plagues were a warning- God is not to be mocked. From frogs and gnats to the death of a first born son, one after another, these plagues were a warning from God. The things of value to these Egyptians were destroyed and Pharaoh still challenged the power and voice of God. The insistent demands of Pharaoh to keep a nation and a people enslaved was nothing compared to where God would move. It's tempting to ask why God couldn't just remove Pharaoh completely or never allow the stronghold he had, but where is need then? If we are never in need of a Savior, never in need of freedom because it is quickly handed to us, where is faith? Where is hope and where is the margin of dependence on a God who so desires to be near to us? Can God create peace and freedom in an instant? Certainly. So what is gained when He doesn't?
The word 'pharaoh' is the Greek form of the Egyptian pero or per-a-a, meaning `Great House'*, which established a cultural and allowable lordship over both the Egyptians and Israelites, so when his word was questioned and challenged, there was imminent resistance. This resistance could have thwarted Moses and Aaron's obedience to God's calling, but God's faithful promise upheld their strength. Each time Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh, demanding him to let the Israelites go, it paved a way for generations to live with bold obedience to wherever God has them (us) and whatever He is calling them (us) into, or out of.
On Monday mornings, a group of moms from my kid's school gathers to pray. This morning, as we ended and I was leaving, my soul felt like it was walking into battle. Guarded but ready. As we named our children, praying through and addressing the very present issues of sin they face or will face, I left more aware of the battleground we are living in. There is an ever-ready and preemptive captor on the prowl, but when I consider the faith that Moses and Aaron leaned into, generations before us, I am grateful that we serve the SAME GOD who led them, carried them and restored them to freedom.
What will the generations after us remember about our fight for faith? What will they mimic? Will it be bold obedience to our God in the face of resistance? I sure hope so but that also requires us to live accordingly so they know what it looks like. And sometimes that's hard. I've yet to read a Bible verse quoting the easiness of following God, but I do read countless verses that celebrate His promises and that's gotta be worth it!
LifeGroup Questions for this week:
Lean In: Connecting with Each Other
Look Down: At God's Word
Look Out: God's Word is Relevant in the World
Look In: God's Word Changes Me
Lean In: Connecting with Each Other
- What would you rather do a week without: a phone or a car?
- Would you rather have a fast forward, pause or rewind button for your life?
Look Down: At God's Word
- Read Exodus 7. Was there anything new or noteworthy?
- Why do you think God uses plagues to change Pharaoh's heart?
- Were plagues unique only to Exodus? (If your group doesn’t know, you can read Hosea 13 or Revelation 8: 6-13).
Look Out: God's Word is Relevant in the World
- Does God still use others (like Moses and Aaron) to carry out His miracles?
- What does God allow in our world today that hardens people’s hearts?
- What does God allow in our world to turn us toward Him?
Look In: God's Word Changes Me
- How has God equipped you for His glory?
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