To Know Jesus, Week 3

January 15, 2023
Presented by Lead Pastor: Nate Levering
Presented by Lead Pastor: Nate Levering
Get up and go.
Living in a culture where just about anything is cancelled, criticized or taken with offense, how do we talk about Jesus? He's not exactly the cultural norm and often Christians are stereotyped for our beliefs and the assumptions that go along with those beliefs. That's a very real world state of being and the tension amidst that can be heavy. So what do we say about who Jesus is and why believe in Him?
Whether you've known me for a minute, a year or a lifetime, you're probably familiar with my love for story. It's more than not how I see people, culture and can read the Bible without feeling like a seminary school drop-out. I used to see this as a flaw in myself, questioning my own questions about narrative, purpose and reason. My folks loved it, I'm sure (eek), as I'd ask and continue to ask questions relentlessly to understand the whole perspective or certain vantage points. It's likely why journalism and a Communication degree fit. Now, as my own story has unwrapped a bit more and God continues to show me the why's and what's and what not's, I see more of His story ever present. I have seen, as Nate said on Sunday, that it's about Him. From the sins we carry to the wins we anchor from, we learn to lean in and trust that His purpose and the magnitude of His promises are the best stories to tell. It's in sharing our stories and what God is doing and has done that shape us, ground us and redeem us, that will tell of our great God. Amen?
The imagery of the disco ball in a dark room with only one light shining down was a brilliant display on the power of reflection. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2: 8-10). This scripture does not say, "only if your name is John are you God's handiwork, created ..." or, "only if you perceive yourself as perfect in the eyes of man are you God's handiwork, created ...". Nope. It sure doesn't say that. What does it say? "For YOU are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus". You. That's right. Don't you shake your head at me. Like I tell my children, I will out-stubborn you all day long because I know this to be true. Your image reflects the work and goodness of our Lord. You were created in Him image. We know that from the beginning of creation, dating all the way back to Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, we were created in His likeness. And we, my friends, have a story to tell. Sure, it's likely one of failure and flaws, loss and low moments we regret. Our stories, when shared would probably all share those common denominators that we're not proud of and might still be scarred by. But they also share hope. That, too, connects us. It roots us to faith, to one another and to the promise that what Jesus said about His love for us and reconciling us to Him, is true. So shine. Get up and go. Reflect who God is and what He is doing in your life. The story of your life is and has always been firmly planted in the hands of a gracious God.
If you missed Pastor Nate's message, you can view it here on the Sierra Bible Church YouTube page.
Living in a culture where just about anything is cancelled, criticized or taken with offense, how do we talk about Jesus? He's not exactly the cultural norm and often Christians are stereotyped for our beliefs and the assumptions that go along with those beliefs. That's a very real world state of being and the tension amidst that can be heavy. So what do we say about who Jesus is and why believe in Him?
Whether you've known me for a minute, a year or a lifetime, you're probably familiar with my love for story. It's more than not how I see people, culture and can read the Bible without feeling like a seminary school drop-out. I used to see this as a flaw in myself, questioning my own questions about narrative, purpose and reason. My folks loved it, I'm sure (eek), as I'd ask and continue to ask questions relentlessly to understand the whole perspective or certain vantage points. It's likely why journalism and a Communication degree fit. Now, as my own story has unwrapped a bit more and God continues to show me the why's and what's and what not's, I see more of His story ever present. I have seen, as Nate said on Sunday, that it's about Him. From the sins we carry to the wins we anchor from, we learn to lean in and trust that His purpose and the magnitude of His promises are the best stories to tell. It's in sharing our stories and what God is doing and has done that shape us, ground us and redeem us, that will tell of our great God. Amen?
The imagery of the disco ball in a dark room with only one light shining down was a brilliant display on the power of reflection. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2: 8-10). This scripture does not say, "only if your name is John are you God's handiwork, created ..." or, "only if you perceive yourself as perfect in the eyes of man are you God's handiwork, created ...". Nope. It sure doesn't say that. What does it say? "For YOU are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus". You. That's right. Don't you shake your head at me. Like I tell my children, I will out-stubborn you all day long because I know this to be true. Your image reflects the work and goodness of our Lord. You were created in Him image. We know that from the beginning of creation, dating all the way back to Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, we were created in His likeness. And we, my friends, have a story to tell. Sure, it's likely one of failure and flaws, loss and low moments we regret. Our stories, when shared would probably all share those common denominators that we're not proud of and might still be scarred by. But they also share hope. That, too, connects us. It roots us to faith, to one another and to the promise that what Jesus said about His love for us and reconciling us to Him, is true. So shine. Get up and go. Reflect who God is and what He is doing in your life. The story of your life is and has always been firmly planted in the hands of a gracious God.
If you missed Pastor Nate's message, you can view it here on the Sierra Bible Church YouTube page.
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