Volunteer Spotlight: Linda Romani

I am so honored to finally have this woman front and center. Each of my children absolutely adore Linda and her husband, Darrel ... or Mr. Darrel, as hundreds of kids know him. From the time my daughters were babies, Linda was loving on them. In the nursery, through Wiggle Worms and MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), and even now as later elementary ages in Promiseland, Linda has served with the heartbeat of love and hundreds of us have been the blessed recipients. Ladies and gents, I am so pleased to bring this woman to you today and without further-ado, here we go!
1. How long have you lived in Tuolumne County and what brought you here? We’ve lived here over 19 years. Our daughter Deena and her husband, James, took our grandchildren from Sacramento and moved up to Jamestown. So naturally, we followed when Darrel retired. But I discovered that my great-grandparents had lived here, also. They had a ranch in Confidence, and he worked at Summerville Elementary School as a teacher, which is where my grandkids were attending when I made that discovery. 2. How long have you been attending SBC? For over 20 years. Whenever we visited James and Deena from Sacramento, we attended SBC with them. Never thought of going anywhere else once we moved here. 3. Where have you served at SBC and in the community? When we left our church in Sacramento, I had been the “screen song sheet maker” and “flipper” for Sunday services. When I first arrived at SBC, they were asking for a “Sunday Flipper.” So I volunteered. I was happy, but then Promiseland opened. I just had to make the switch to greeting the children. From there, I've served in the nursery, with Wiggle Worms and other children’s ministries. I found my home, and Darrel joined me. 4. If you got to choose a song that would play every time you entered a room, what song would you pick and why? “STOP! (Clap, clap) And let me tell you what the Lord has done for me!” It’s a song that my girls and I learned at Good News Club, by Child Evangelism, shortly after Darrel and I heard the gospel and had a life change. Both of us had been “churched” our whole lives, but I didn’t understand why God had allowed His Son to be killed like that. The first time I heard that Jesus did it for me, we had been married 5 years. It was in a small church from Pastor Ben West who led us both to the Lord 3 days apart. When we discovered Good News Clubs, I learned the Bible right along with my kids, and kept on learning as I finally became a leader myself. I wanted kids to know what Jesus did for them, and how much God loves them. 5. What fictional character do you identify with the most? Why? Kathy, from a very long ago TV series, Father Knows Best. She was the little sister in a family of 5 who wore her brown hair in pigtails and ponytails. Me, too. But mostly she loved her daddy, and went to him with her problems. Me, too. I loved watching that family! 6. If you opened your freezer to discover a live penguin living in there, what would you do? That happened! He was a little guy. I asked him what he was doing in there. He asked, “Isn’t this a Westinghouse Fweeza?” I said “Yes, so?” He said, “So I’m westing.”I let him finish his nap. |

Thank you Linda! And thanks to you for reading along. Be sure to introduce yourself the next time you see her and let her know what you'd do with a penguin in your fweeza.
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