Book Recommendation: This Too Shall Last

We have been beyond thrilled to reignite the GriefShare Ministry here at Sierra Bible Church. Along with the Caregiving Team, GriefShare is a part of our Compassion Ministry umbrella and aims to surround people with support and kindness. As the team grows, we've learned just how wide spread the need is for supporting our church family and greater community as they process grief and are in need of compassion resources. One way we've sought to support this community is by recommending and offering book resources. Not everyone can attend a 13-week session, or is ready to be vulnerable in group or one-on-one settings, and that is completely understandable. After my grandpa passed away from ALS in April of 2020, and then my Nana, who had always been a most cherished person in my life, suddenly passed away that August, grief was ever-present. I had questions and emotions. Lots of emotions. I was sad. Really sad. And mad. I wanted to hide in my tears under the bed for as long as I could handle it. It didn't matter that I knew the truth of their salvation or that I knew they were likely line dancing with Jesus. I was sad. It was devastating on top of a lonely and confusing (you know, because Covid) year, and I was just sad for a while. When I couldn't reach out to others because the hesitation in me to accept my own grief was very real, I turned to books because I could sit silently and read, or weep onto the pages while I learned to process and trust. Books have always been a place of respite for my soul.
K.J. Ramsey's, This Too Shall Last, will help walk you through, what I believe are powerful questions: If my grief doesn't go away, or the fog of depression isn't lifted, am I failing God? Is He failing me?
Ramsey's engaging storytelling offers readers the opportunity to capture the breadth and width of their own past or present journey through suffering and the bigger story that God brings us into. As our church begins the Hilltops and Valleys series this Sunday, we'll hear stories within God's bigger story of how people in our own congregation have seen God move in both their highest of highs and lowest of lows in order to deepen their faith. As I wept the loss of my precious Nana Bear and grandpapa, and processed (still processing) through grief and loss and confusion, there were (and still are) moments of anger at our human-ness and question why we have to go through all that we go through this side of eternity. But then I think of how wonderfully relational our God is- that He would create us to need. If we never experienced loss or sorrow, would we be grateful for joy and the newness that comes each morning? I need joy in my life and I think God knew that. I think He also knew that I wouldn't be dependent on Him for it if I didn't know the difference.
We have this book in the Welcome Center (the stone-bottomed room in the Commons), along with others. Our church library (in the office) is also a wonderful, free resource center. Please know that you are not alone. We all have our stuff, right? May God meet you today exactly where you are, even if it's tearful under the covers. He is with you. And so are we!
We have been beyond thrilled to reignite the GriefShare Ministry here at Sierra Bible Church. Along with the Caregiving Team, GriefShare is a part of our Compassion Ministry umbrella and aims to surround people with support and kindness. As the team grows, we've learned just how wide spread the need is for supporting our church family and greater community as they process grief and are in need of compassion resources. One way we've sought to support this community is by recommending and offering book resources. Not everyone can attend a 13-week session, or is ready to be vulnerable in group or one-on-one settings, and that is completely understandable. After my grandpa passed away from ALS in April of 2020, and then my Nana, who had always been a most cherished person in my life, suddenly passed away that August, grief was ever-present. I had questions and emotions. Lots of emotions. I was sad. Really sad. And mad. I wanted to hide in my tears under the bed for as long as I could handle it. It didn't matter that I knew the truth of their salvation or that I knew they were likely line dancing with Jesus. I was sad. It was devastating on top of a lonely and confusing (you know, because Covid) year, and I was just sad for a while. When I couldn't reach out to others because the hesitation in me to accept my own grief was very real, I turned to books because I could sit silently and read, or weep onto the pages while I learned to process and trust. Books have always been a place of respite for my soul.
K.J. Ramsey's, This Too Shall Last, will help walk you through, what I believe are powerful questions: If my grief doesn't go away, or the fog of depression isn't lifted, am I failing God? Is He failing me?
Ramsey's engaging storytelling offers readers the opportunity to capture the breadth and width of their own past or present journey through suffering and the bigger story that God brings us into. As our church begins the Hilltops and Valleys series this Sunday, we'll hear stories within God's bigger story of how people in our own congregation have seen God move in both their highest of highs and lowest of lows in order to deepen their faith. As I wept the loss of my precious Nana Bear and grandpapa, and processed (still processing) through grief and loss and confusion, there were (and still are) moments of anger at our human-ness and question why we have to go through all that we go through this side of eternity. But then I think of how wonderfully relational our God is- that He would create us to need. If we never experienced loss or sorrow, would we be grateful for joy and the newness that comes each morning? I need joy in my life and I think God knew that. I think He also knew that I wouldn't be dependent on Him for it if I didn't know the difference.
We have this book in the Welcome Center (the stone-bottomed room in the Commons), along with others. Our church library (in the office) is also a wonderful, free resource center. Please know that you are not alone. We all have our stuff, right? May God meet you today exactly where you are, even if it's tearful under the covers. He is with you. And so are we!
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