
Life is about what God is doing in our lives for the sake of eternal lives.
We sure hope you caught one of our services on Sunday, or have the ability to watch HERE on YouTube as Elder, Don Broesamle, preached the first message of the Hilltops and Valleys sermon series. As 60+ kids and students from Sierra Bible Church leave for Hume Lake this coming Sunday, Don, who was an intricate part of ministry at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz mountains reminded us that in a survey done a few years back on believers in America, 80% made the decision for Christ at some Christian camp. That's extraordinary! So as we send these kids and students up to Hume, let's continue to pray over what God will do in their lives. Hume Lake is personally a special place for our family as it's where my husband and I met so many years ago.
What do you consider to be the purpose of your life, and are you content with it? In all honesty, I always want more. I want to do more and see more and experience more. The concept of contentment is a constant struggle for my mind and heart, so I often wrestle with why God brought me to a small town until I remember WHY He did. If it were up to me, my life would be all about me. I'd travel more to explore more and likely work more to do more. Life would revolve quickly and loudly around what I could do and less around what God is doing.
During the evening of the Last Supper, Jesus spoke with His disciples and prepared them as He could with what was to come. He spoke directly with Simon, calling him by name and commanded him to be ready and strengthen his brothers.
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me (Luke 22:31-34).
How quickly do you see yourself in this position, so sure that you are ready for what God has for you but then that time comes and it's not what you thought so you hesitate or reject the call? Have you or are you actively rejecting God's call on your life? Oh yes, this just got real! I cannot even count the times when I've freaked out or got so nervous and where God brings me. Why? Because I make it about myself.
When you read on, Jesus asks this, "When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?", to which they all replied, "Nothing" (Luke 22: 35). So why do I panic? Why do I doubt and reject where He leads me when surely I can look around and see that I am lacking in nothing as it pertains to His purpose for my life. Much like what we read today with the Summer Reading in Proverbs 15, God calls us to humility as the fear of the Lord is wisdom. We are called to humility before the Lord and He deserves nothing less. He fills us with what we need and we have every reason to trust Him.
Do you ever feel attacked by the enemy? How much more peace secures you when you know that Jesus is praying for us and interceding for us by name? When Jesus is with Peter at the very point of Peter's deepest moment of despair, what happens? Does Jesus say, "See, I told you so. Byeeeee!". No. Rather, Jesus locks eyes with Peter and is there with him as he weeps. What would that look be like to lock eyes on Jesus as you realize He is being led to atone for your sins? Goodness, what a King we serve. A King who demonstrated ultimate humility. Amen?
Let us be led by our gracious God this week as He calls us and invites us into His purpose for His Kingdom, through our humble lives. If you would like to speak to an elder or pastor, please contact us at the church office, 209-532-1381 or email: info@sierrabible.com.
Life is about what God is doing in our lives for the sake of eternal lives.
We sure hope you caught one of our services on Sunday, or have the ability to watch HERE on YouTube as Elder, Don Broesamle, preached the first message of the Hilltops and Valleys sermon series. As 60+ kids and students from Sierra Bible Church leave for Hume Lake this coming Sunday, Don, who was an intricate part of ministry at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz mountains reminded us that in a survey done a few years back on believers in America, 80% made the decision for Christ at some Christian camp. That's extraordinary! So as we send these kids and students up to Hume, let's continue to pray over what God will do in their lives. Hume Lake is personally a special place for our family as it's where my husband and I met so many years ago.
What do you consider to be the purpose of your life, and are you content with it? In all honesty, I always want more. I want to do more and see more and experience more. The concept of contentment is a constant struggle for my mind and heart, so I often wrestle with why God brought me to a small town until I remember WHY He did. If it were up to me, my life would be all about me. I'd travel more to explore more and likely work more to do more. Life would revolve quickly and loudly around what I could do and less around what God is doing.
During the evening of the Last Supper, Jesus spoke with His disciples and prepared them as He could with what was to come. He spoke directly with Simon, calling him by name and commanded him to be ready and strengthen his brothers.
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me (Luke 22:31-34).
How quickly do you see yourself in this position, so sure that you are ready for what God has for you but then that time comes and it's not what you thought so you hesitate or reject the call? Have you or are you actively rejecting God's call on your life? Oh yes, this just got real! I cannot even count the times when I've freaked out or got so nervous and where God brings me. Why? Because I make it about myself.
When you read on, Jesus asks this, "When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?", to which they all replied, "Nothing" (Luke 22: 35). So why do I panic? Why do I doubt and reject where He leads me when surely I can look around and see that I am lacking in nothing as it pertains to His purpose for my life. Much like what we read today with the Summer Reading in Proverbs 15, God calls us to humility as the fear of the Lord is wisdom. We are called to humility before the Lord and He deserves nothing less. He fills us with what we need and we have every reason to trust Him.
Do you ever feel attacked by the enemy? How much more peace secures you when you know that Jesus is praying for us and interceding for us by name? When Jesus is with Peter at the very point of Peter's deepest moment of despair, what happens? Does Jesus say, "See, I told you so. Byeeeee!". No. Rather, Jesus locks eyes with Peter and is there with him as he weeps. What would that look be like to lock eyes on Jesus as you realize He is being led to atone for your sins? Goodness, what a King we serve. A King who demonstrated ultimate humility. Amen?
Let us be led by our gracious God this week as He calls us and invites us into His purpose for His Kingdom, through our humble lives. If you would like to speak to an elder or pastor, please contact us at the church office, 209-532-1381 or email: info@sierrabible.com.
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