Book Recommendations for Teens

Good afternoon, Church! And a very happy Friday to you all. As our Kids and Student Ministries head off to Hume in less than 48 hours, let us be praying for safety, pivotal moments with Jesus and their friends, the sanity of our counselors and for FUN! Lots of fun!
Through the weekly email that goes out on Thursdays, we get a little glimpse into what the preaching pastor or teacher will be leading us through. If you are not on the email list and would to be on it, email Comfort at and she’d be more than happy to add you. This week’s snippet is from Lead Pastor, Nate Levering, as he addresses God as being enough. Let me ask you, is God enough? Is what God has for you enough? Is what God brought you through enough? Is He enough? As adults wrestle through this question in a variety of ways, so do our youth, which is why this post is for them. Many of these kids and teens will encounter God for the very first time at Hume Lake Christian Camps but we get to be here when they come home. We get to surround them and champion them as they dive into discipleship and learn what is to have God be enough for them. Ready, church? Let’s go!
Below are a couple of book recommendations. If you have a teenager in your life, whether they’re related to you, a neighbor, student, your daughter’s boyfriend … we hope these are resources that can help meet them where they’re at.
Through the weekly email that goes out on Thursdays, we get a little glimpse into what the preaching pastor or teacher will be leading us through. If you are not on the email list and would to be on it, email Comfort at and she’d be more than happy to add you. This week’s snippet is from Lead Pastor, Nate Levering, as he addresses God as being enough. Let me ask you, is God enough? Is what God has for you enough? Is what God brought you through enough? Is He enough? As adults wrestle through this question in a variety of ways, so do our youth, which is why this post is for them. Many of these kids and teens will encounter God for the very first time at Hume Lake Christian Camps but we get to be here when they come home. We get to surround them and champion them as they dive into discipleship and learn what is to have God be enough for them. Ready, church? Let’s go!
Below are a couple of book recommendations. If you have a teenager in your life, whether they’re related to you, a neighbor, student, your daughter’s boyfriend … we hope these are resources that can help meet them where they’re at.

DO HARD THINGS, by Alex & Brett Harris

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