Meet Elder, Ralph Milnik

We know that often you might hear words like support staff, Elder, or pastor, and not quite know who those people are. It's my privilege to bring Elder, Mr. Ralph Milnik before you. At Sierra Bible Church, we believe in the leadership and wise counsel of elders. If you would like to learn more about the elders or read their updates, please visit
- How long have you been a part of Sierra Bible Church, and what brought you here?
Ginny and I started attending SBC in 1987…35 years ago. We really enjoyed Pastor Mark’s preaching, the friendliness of the people, and the children’s program because we had two young boys at the time and that was important to us.
- How has your family plugged into this church community over the years?
I think Ginny and I have pretty much been involved in most ministries. Early on we were part of AWANA (which was new for the church at that time), VBS, and worship ministries (Ralph was one of the early worship leaders). As the kids got older we went into High School ministries when Nate Levering was the Youth Pastor. For the last ten years we have been in Children’s ministry with the four and five year old’s. Ginny has been involved in Moms in Prayer for most of the time and I've been an elder for almost twenty years.
- How did you and your wife, Ginny, meet?
We actually met in a junior high youth group at Zion Lutheran Church in Anaheim. We also attended the same high school and I tried dating Ginny during sophomore year, which didn’t go very well. Ginny wasn’t into me as much as I thought. So, we cooled it for a year, and both of us grew much closer to the Lord. We had both accepted the Lord at a Billy Graham Crusade in Anaheim when we were 15 years old. So, in our senior year, things finally clicked and we tried again and became “official”. We dated all through college and finally married in 1977.
- What has it meant to you to be an Elder here at SBC?
Pastor Mark and Bill Polley asked me to be an elder in 2003. I felt it was an honor and I accepted. I still consider it an honor and privilege, and the role comes with huge responsibility. I have been the chairman now for the last two years. I really enjoy the times of prayer for the church, the staff, and also times we have prayed for the sick. Serving as an elder does come with challenges, but my first and foremost priority is always for the church…to be a shepherd to God’s people.
- Where is your and Ginny's favorite place to vacation/ retreat?
Ginny and I love the outdoors so we take our bikes and kayaks to places like Lake Tahoe, Mammoth, Yosemite, and the coast. We also have been taking a yearly camping trip to Shaver Lake for over 40 years where we join with about fifteen other families. We have also been to many places in the US and Europe.
- What is something we may not know about you?
Before I moved to Sonora I managed a ski shop in Southern California. I love to snow ski and have even Heli-skied in the Canadian Bugaboos. I also graduated from Long Beach State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Botany.

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