Book Recommendation: Famous At Home

Good Afternoon, Church and Happy Friday to you all! We are hopeful to see you this Sunday, whether on campus for one of the services or on YouTube during the 10:30 service. Continue to pray over the students, kids and counselors at Hume Lake Christian Camps this week. Lead Pastor, Nate Levering's wife, Kathy, and Children's Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell, led the 8@8 on Facebook Live, live from the front lawn at Hume this morning. We hope you caught it! They'll all be home tomorrow and we are hopeful that some of our high school students are coming home with the sought-after CHAMPIONSHIP claim! Hoorah.
Gearing up for the message this Sunday, Pastor Nate will be taking a refreshed look at Genesis 25 and the topic of integrity. Genesis 25 begins with the lineage of Abraham, which results in many questions (at least for me), but brings us to Ishmael, one of Abraham's sons with Hagar, a slave of one of Abraham's wives, Sarah. Under the lineage of Ishmael, scripture says, "His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the eastern border of Egypt, as you go toward Ashur. And they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them" (v. 18). Are you catching the messiness in this lineage? Are you as comforted as I am to know that family issues didn't begin with your family? They were around from the beginning - literally!
It's often with family that our character, our truest character, is displayed. I've heard teacher's stories about what kids share- totally naive to a filter. At Hume Lake, there are three traits most valued: Honesty, Purity, Integrity. Are we willing and desiring to do the right thing, even when no one is looking? In our families, are we willing to say or not say, do or not do the things, regardless of whether or not our kids or spouses hear it, see it, or experience it? Is who we portray ourselves to be at work, at church, or with a group of friends, who we are at home with our spouse and kids, and are we willing to reassess what we think are priorities to re-engage the health of our families?
"Famous At Home" (also in audiobook!) takes a grace-filled approach to encourage connectivity with your most important teammate, while emotionally investing in the lives of your family. The nuclear family faces more and more challenges with our attention and work life demanding more and more of our hours and energy. Let us take a strong stand to protect our homes.
Good Afternoon, Church and Happy Friday to you all! We are hopeful to see you this Sunday, whether on campus for one of the services or on YouTube during the 10:30 service. Continue to pray over the students, kids and counselors at Hume Lake Christian Camps this week. Lead Pastor, Nate Levering's wife, Kathy, and Children's Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell, led the 8@8 on Facebook Live, live from the front lawn at Hume this morning. We hope you caught it! They'll all be home tomorrow and we are hopeful that some of our high school students are coming home with the sought-after CHAMPIONSHIP claim! Hoorah.
Gearing up for the message this Sunday, Pastor Nate will be taking a refreshed look at Genesis 25 and the topic of integrity. Genesis 25 begins with the lineage of Abraham, which results in many questions (at least for me), but brings us to Ishmael, one of Abraham's sons with Hagar, a slave of one of Abraham's wives, Sarah. Under the lineage of Ishmael, scripture says, "His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the eastern border of Egypt, as you go toward Ashur. And they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them" (v. 18). Are you catching the messiness in this lineage? Are you as comforted as I am to know that family issues didn't begin with your family? They were around from the beginning - literally!
It's often with family that our character, our truest character, is displayed. I've heard teacher's stories about what kids share- totally naive to a filter. At Hume Lake, there are three traits most valued: Honesty, Purity, Integrity. Are we willing and desiring to do the right thing, even when no one is looking? In our families, are we willing to say or not say, do or not do the things, regardless of whether or not our kids or spouses hear it, see it, or experience it? Is who we portray ourselves to be at work, at church, or with a group of friends, who we are at home with our spouse and kids, and are we willing to reassess what we think are priorities to re-engage the health of our families?
"Famous At Home" (also in audiobook!) takes a grace-filled approach to encourage connectivity with your most important teammate, while emotionally investing in the lives of your family. The nuclear family faces more and more challenges with our attention and work life demanding more and more of our hours and energy. Let us take a strong stand to protect our homes.
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