Book Recommendation: Fearless Prayer

Good Afternoon Church. Thank you for joining us today on the blog as we highlight FEARLESS PRAYER: WHY WE DON'T ASK AND WHY WE SHOULD. It is our pleasure to announce that Apologist, Craig Hazen, author of this book, will be on campus with us the weekend of September 10-11. On Saturday, September 10 at 6:30, we'll be in the Commons for some Q&A. Bring your lawn chair and your questions. Let's see if we can stump him! Then join us on Sunday morning, September 11 for either the 8:45 or 10:30 service (or both!) while Craig teaches.
Have you ever wondered if, when and why your prayers may or may not be answered and in which order? Sometimes my prayers feel like ranting or begging in desperation and I wonder what God hears.
John 15:7 says, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." So what happens and how are we supposed to think about the times when we don't exactly see things being done for us that we ask? How does that change the posture of our hearts?
An easy-to-read capture of how often Christians hesitate to ask God for things in prayer but why we should. So what stops us? A distrust in His promise or care for us? A belief that we don't actually deserve what we long for? Interesting. We hope you'll take time to read this, but more importantly lean in to where God calls you in prayer and belief in Him.
Have you ever wondered if, when and why your prayers may or may not be answered and in which order? Sometimes my prayers feel like ranting or begging in desperation and I wonder what God hears.
John 15:7 says, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." So what happens and how are we supposed to think about the times when we don't exactly see things being done for us that we ask? How does that change the posture of our hearts?
An easy-to-read capture of how often Christians hesitate to ask God for things in prayer but why we should. So what stops us? A distrust in His promise or care for us? A belief that we don't actually deserve what we long for? Interesting. We hope you'll take time to read this, but more importantly lean in to where God calls you in prayer and belief in Him.
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