Weekend Recap: September 10-11

Good Afternoon!
Thank you for joining us today on the blog as we recapture the busy weekend. What an overwhelming JOY it is to be and serve with you. Over the weekend, we kicked off the PROOF series with Apologist, Craig Hazen. The PROOF series will walk out the miracles throughout the book of John in the New Testament. Our LifeGroups will follow suit by digging in deeper each week to these miracles, applying that same God of miracles to our lives today. You don't want to miss this! Sign up for a LifeGroup here. We'll kick off our Fall LifeGroups the week of September 18.
Let's jump in! We hope you were able to join us for the Q&A with Craig Hazen on Saturday, September 10 in the Commons. Did anyone else catch just how funny he is? Between his humor and knowledge, his teaching was incredibly engaging.
Thank you for joining us today on the blog as we recapture the busy weekend. What an overwhelming JOY it is to be and serve with you. Over the weekend, we kicked off the PROOF series with Apologist, Craig Hazen. The PROOF series will walk out the miracles throughout the book of John in the New Testament. Our LifeGroups will follow suit by digging in deeper each week to these miracles, applying that same God of miracles to our lives today. You don't want to miss this! Sign up for a LifeGroup here. We'll kick off our Fall LifeGroups the week of September 18.
Let's jump in! We hope you were able to join us for the Q&A with Craig Hazen on Saturday, September 10 in the Commons. Did anyone else catch just how funny he is? Between his humor and knowledge, his teaching was incredibly engaging.

On Sunday morning, during both services, Craig addressed this question- why is Christianity unique to world religions? Through stories and scenarios walked out in his own life, both teaching and learning, he came to five main points:
We really hope you don't miss the miracle it is to be found in Christ. Above every miracle, walking on water or turning water to wine, it is us He chose to love and save and make atonement for. Us, who rarely believe we deserve a love like that. Us, who struggle constantly with sin. Us. Need proof?
- Christianity is testable. You can test the evidence one way or the other and the evidence means something. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
- In Christianity, salvation is a free gift from God. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9)
- With Christianity, you get an amazing world view fit. Scripture paints an accurate view of the world the way it was then and the way it is now, with pain, hardship and sin. It doesn't run from it or cover it. (Read Psalm 19:1-4, Psalm 119:159-160, Romans 1:20)
- You get to live a non-compartmentalized life. (Read Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 41:21, John 1:1)
- Christianity has Jesus at the center. (Read John 1:1-5, John 1:14).
We really hope you don't miss the miracle it is to be found in Christ. Above every miracle, walking on water or turning water to wine, it is us He chose to love and save and make atonement for. Us, who rarely believe we deserve a love like that. Us, who struggle constantly with sin. Us. Need proof?
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 13:20-21).
Sitting there on the shore of Pinecrest during the baptisms, I kept thinking how perfect are the clouds that cover and show the majesty of our God. How perfect is the will of God that would speak and bring over 20 kids, youth and adults to the throne of He who is leading them. This is proof. Do you see it? Are you experiencing His hope and the miracles of His majesty in your own life?
Sitting there on the shore of Pinecrest during the baptisms, I kept thinking how perfect are the clouds that cover and show the majesty of our God. How perfect is the will of God that would speak and bring over 20 kids, youth and adults to the throne of He who is leading them. This is proof. Do you see it? Are you experiencing His hope and the miracles of His majesty in your own life?
The Sierra Bible Church's Women's Ministry gathered together to celebrate the PROOF of His in our own lives and the truth of His resurrection, bonding us and uniting us as one. What a gift this time was. From the delicious breakfast burritos and scrumptious homemade goodies, the coffee and table conversation, and the life story given by one of our Friendship Ministry team members, this was a precious time for all. Women, from what I've heard, the Women's Ministry team is already in the works of graphing the next gathering! Be on the lookout.
Church, what a gift you are. Amen.
Church, what a gift you are. Amen.
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