What is 8@8?

You've probably received a push notification through our Sierra Bible Church, Sonora app or heard us reference 8@8 on Facebook Live. So what is it and why do we keep trying to get you connected there?
During the pandemic when there was little to no interaction, anywhere in our world, we were all called to pivot in one way or another. This was our pivot. It started with 7@7- seven quick minutes at 7:00 in the evening to connect in and rally up our congregation from wherever we all were. Over the next couple of years to where we are now, it's become 8@8. For about 8 minutes (or 12), one of our team members logs on and greets you at 8:00 in the morning. We pray through the day together, go through the reading for the day (if there is one), and sometimes laugh or cry or share what we know or where we're at in life. We'll drink coffee together and have a time of community through this portal. What a wild time in life with technology that we are able to do this!
So if you're interested, please visit us on our Facebook page, Sierra Bible Church, Sonora. We're currently going through the Fall Reading Plan with the book of John as we continue in the PROOF series. It's all about the miracles of our Jesus. You don't want to miss this.
During the pandemic when there was little to no interaction, anywhere in our world, we were all called to pivot in one way or another. This was our pivot. It started with 7@7- seven quick minutes at 7:00 in the evening to connect in and rally up our congregation from wherever we all were. Over the next couple of years to where we are now, it's become 8@8. For about 8 minutes (or 12), one of our team members logs on and greets you at 8:00 in the morning. We pray through the day together, go through the reading for the day (if there is one), and sometimes laugh or cry or share what we know or where we're at in life. We'll drink coffee together and have a time of community through this portal. What a wild time in life with technology that we are able to do this!
So if you're interested, please visit us on our Facebook page, Sierra Bible Church, Sonora. We're currently going through the Fall Reading Plan with the book of John as we continue in the PROOF series. It's all about the miracles of our Jesus. You don't want to miss this.
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