Book Recommendation: John- Believe I Am

What a ride it's been reading through the book of John! We hope you are connecting in through Sunday sermons (YouTube here), LifeGroups (sign ups still open here), the 8@8 on Facebook Live (click here for the page), or through the Fall Reading Plan (bookmark here). Woah. There are a lot of ways to connect in!
We have seen miracle upon miracle, but what is more is to see the person of Jesus coming through those pages. I have sat on his responses- the blunt truth that moves through His words. Direct shot. In a world of ambiguity, are you not just thrilled to see as Jesus doesn't sway or shy away from what is true?
Megan Fate Marshman's book, "JOHN: BELIEVE I AM", dives right into these truths. Her website says this about the book,
You can know a lot about Jesus and not know him at all. We’re not meant to simply know a lot of facts about Jesus. Truly knowing someone requires personal knowledge coming from being with someone over time and building trust. Knowing about someone is just the first step toward truly knowing them. It’s the same with God: we come to know Him personally when we spend time with Him, when we build trust in Him, when we share our life with Him.
Megan is the Women's Ministry Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps, a camp that Sierra Bible Church has partnered with in sending thousands of students to over the years. Her husband suddenly passed away from a heart attack in 2021 and she is raising their two boys in Southern California. This woman knows a lot about what it is to trust the words, promises and miracles of our Jesus. Friends, if you are looking for a study to go along with this sermon series, PROOF, please consider this book.
We have seen miracle upon miracle, but what is more is to see the person of Jesus coming through those pages. I have sat on his responses- the blunt truth that moves through His words. Direct shot. In a world of ambiguity, are you not just thrilled to see as Jesus doesn't sway or shy away from what is true?
Megan Fate Marshman's book, "JOHN: BELIEVE I AM", dives right into these truths. Her website says this about the book,
You can know a lot about Jesus and not know him at all. We’re not meant to simply know a lot of facts about Jesus. Truly knowing someone requires personal knowledge coming from being with someone over time and building trust. Knowing about someone is just the first step toward truly knowing them. It’s the same with God: we come to know Him personally when we spend time with Him, when we build trust in Him, when we share our life with Him.
Megan is the Women's Ministry Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps, a camp that Sierra Bible Church has partnered with in sending thousands of students to over the years. Her husband suddenly passed away from a heart attack in 2021 and she is raising their two boys in Southern California. This woman knows a lot about what it is to trust the words, promises and miracles of our Jesus. Friends, if you are looking for a study to go along with this sermon series, PROOF, please consider this book.

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