PROOF: September 25

Good Afternoon Church. This week has been full of celebrations, planning and praying. We're not sure if you noticed or caught Pastor Nate's not-so-subtle debut of our new Youth Pastor on Sunday, but we have welcomed Mr. Jason Rivera to the staff team! Again. Jason has played a huge role in the Worship Ministry here at Sierra Bible Church for many years. Recently, as his children have grown, his passion for youth ministry has grown. Jason's enthusiasm to see generations empowered and changed because of the redeeming love of God is contagious! We are thrilled that God led he and his wife, Apryle, along with their family to this adventurous area of ministry. Praise the Lord.
Good Afternoon Church. This week has been full of celebrations, planning and praying. We're not sure if you noticed or caught Pastor Nate's not-so-subtle debut of our new Youth Pastor on Sunday, but we have welcomed Mr. Jason Rivera to the staff team! Again. Jason has played a huge role in the Worship Ministry here at Sierra Bible Church for many years. Recently, as his children have grown, his passion for youth ministry has grown. Jason's enthusiasm to see generations empowered and changed because of the redeeming love of God is contagious! We are thrilled that God led he and his wife, Apryle, along with their family to this adventurous area of ministry. Praise the Lord.
We are now weeks into the PROOF series, walking through the miracles of Jesus in the book of John. You can watch the sermon here, if you missed it or would like to revisit Pastor Nate's preaching. On Sunday, September 25, the four main points were:
1. Belief leads to life.
2. There is a process of belief.
3. What is our problem with belief?
4. There is a promise in belief.
There is so much in this section of Scripture. Something I keep going back to is the Samaritan woman at the well. History doesn't name her, other than woman. Society doesn't respect her. Yet Jesus died for her and offered her a life of value. Why? What did He see in her that made Him love her? What is it in us that caused Jesus to do the same? Jesus has this insanely intricate ability to see through every piece of us- our sin, our struggle, our hopes and successes, and be big enough for it all. Transcendence love is a miracle. We are recipients of that miracle. Don't miss that.
We hope you join us this coming Sunday! If you're new, join us in the Music Room (just to left, inside of the Worship Center) right after second service for the New To Lunch. We'll see you then!
1. Belief leads to life.
- When we look at John 4, we see three specific stories: a well, a wheat field and a one o'clock miracle.
- We meet a Samaritan woman at the well, who meets Jesus. Here, Jesus sees beyond the social disparities, beneath her hidden sin and shame, and offers her an experience to take Jesus as His word, be reconciled and inherit eternal life.
- Leaving the well, the disciples have arms full of food and see Jesus, encouraging him to eat something. Jesus responds, "I have food you know nothing about" (v. 32). In this eternal life that Jesus invites us into, there is a life-like experience much like eating a good meal that fills you completely. Open your eyes to the ripe harvest.
- After a couple of days, Jesus left for Galilee, His hometown. A royal official with a sick son hears that Jesus is in town. He treks over miles and miles, desperate for Jesus to heal him. We know that this royal official has the means necessary to do whatever it would take to help his son. Nothing has worked. Jesus is in the process of turning his belief into trust in the life of this man. Jesus tells the man that his son is well and the man took Jesus at his word and departed. Arriving home, he hears and sees that his son is well. What took root in the royal official's soul that day?
2. There is a process of belief.
- We are never too far from the available hope of Jesus and the eternal life He offers.
- There is the opportunity to move from trying to trusting.
3. What is our problem with belief?
- We can miss what is right in front of us.
- Do we want a sign over a Savior? A miracle over the Messiah?
4. There is a promise in belief.
- I can take Jesus at His word.
- Jesus is ...
- The Bread of Life (John 6:35)
- The Light of the World (John 8:12)
- The Gate (John 10:9)
- The Good Shepherd (John 10: 11-14)
- The Resurrection and Life (John 11:25)
- The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:6)
- The Vine (John 15:1-5)
There is so much in this section of Scripture. Something I keep going back to is the Samaritan woman at the well. History doesn't name her, other than woman. Society doesn't respect her. Yet Jesus died for her and offered her a life of value. Why? What did He see in her that made Him love her? What is it in us that caused Jesus to do the same? Jesus has this insanely intricate ability to see through every piece of us- our sin, our struggle, our hopes and successes, and be big enough for it all. Transcendence love is a miracle. We are recipients of that miracle. Don't miss that.
We hope you join us this coming Sunday! If you're new, join us in the Music Room (just to left, inside of the Worship Center) right after second service for the New To Lunch. We'll see you then!
Posted in Sermon Recap
Posted in Youth Ministry, john, Jesus, miracles, empowered, promise, belief, samaritans
Posted in Youth Ministry, john, Jesus, miracles, empowered, promise, belief, samaritans
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