PROOF: October 16

PROOF: October 16, 2022
Pastor Nate Levering
What is clarified by Christ in death and what is revealed to us through suffering?
We hope you have been following this sermon series on PROOF, as we've read and studied the miracles of Jesus in the book of John. This week, we're picking up in John 11, as we meet a sick man named Lazarus. Lazarus was the brother of sisters, Mary and Martha. John wrote his gospel looking back at the truths and stories of Jesus. What is curious about this and what we now know is that he captured this story of Lazarus before telling the story of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus, wiping his feet with her hair. Why does that matter? Well, how often does grace and praise come after our desperation and unwinding? There's a reason for the well-known saying, "hindsight is 20/20".
Here, in chapter 11, we see Mary desperate for the life of her brother. Desperate for Jesus to heal him. And Jesus did what? Nothing. Supposedly. So it seemed. But Jesus loved Lazarus. John 11 tells us that He loved Lazarus in a brotherly way, a phileo-type love. When the circumstances in our lives want to oppose the love that Christ has for us, it often leave us questioning the very foundation of that love. What will it take for us to believe and live out that God's love is radically unconditional? When it seems like He is doing nothing, what is it that He reveals to us? In this truth, I turn to Romans 8 where we are halted in our angst by the reality of present suffering. This truth is one that I have to come love the most about our Christian faith. Instead of having a religion that begs the idea or sheer possibility of a life without suffering, thus leaving an unknown wonder of purpose, God gives us a roadmap for when it comes. Because it will. If you're reading this, you're likely nodding your head because you, my friend, know what it's like to suffer. You, I'd dare guess, have wrestled and crawled your way through some days, some relationships, some seasons of suffering. You could write a book on it, I'm sure. So what do we know in suffering and in death?
When Jesus is central to the story, there is always hope. When a story, sometimes our story, starts to unwind and come undone, we urgently need to get ourselves to the feet of Jesus. His love is always consistent. God is always, always working for the greater good of His purpose. We know this. Romans 8 tells us this, "For we know that IN ALL THINGS, God works for the good of His people who are called according to His purpose." Who's purpose? His purpose.
If you've read this chapter or this story, you know what happens to Lazarus. Despite Mary's desperation. Despite Jesus loving him, what happens? He dies. This sermon through John 11 is so richly full with the pretense of Jesus' death and resurrection through the story of Lazarus, as we then read that Jesus raises Lazarus from the tomb. Here Jesus shows His power over death, the hope revealed to us.
One of the questions our LifeGroups will discuss this week is, what is it about death that causes us fear?
So what truth are we invited into by the conquering of Jesus over death and suffering? Excellent question, my friends! When we believe ... actually believe in who God is, what He is capable of and what His truth is, we have hope. Our belief holds us grounded in the storm of suffering, that this will not be wasted, but that He is working and using this for His perfect will. Do you believe?
Pastor Nate Levering
What is clarified by Christ in death and what is revealed to us through suffering?
We hope you have been following this sermon series on PROOF, as we've read and studied the miracles of Jesus in the book of John. This week, we're picking up in John 11, as we meet a sick man named Lazarus. Lazarus was the brother of sisters, Mary and Martha. John wrote his gospel looking back at the truths and stories of Jesus. What is curious about this and what we now know is that he captured this story of Lazarus before telling the story of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus, wiping his feet with her hair. Why does that matter? Well, how often does grace and praise come after our desperation and unwinding? There's a reason for the well-known saying, "hindsight is 20/20".
Here, in chapter 11, we see Mary desperate for the life of her brother. Desperate for Jesus to heal him. And Jesus did what? Nothing. Supposedly. So it seemed. But Jesus loved Lazarus. John 11 tells us that He loved Lazarus in a brotherly way, a phileo-type love. When the circumstances in our lives want to oppose the love that Christ has for us, it often leave us questioning the very foundation of that love. What will it take for us to believe and live out that God's love is radically unconditional? When it seems like He is doing nothing, what is it that He reveals to us? In this truth, I turn to Romans 8 where we are halted in our angst by the reality of present suffering. This truth is one that I have to come love the most about our Christian faith. Instead of having a religion that begs the idea or sheer possibility of a life without suffering, thus leaving an unknown wonder of purpose, God gives us a roadmap for when it comes. Because it will. If you're reading this, you're likely nodding your head because you, my friend, know what it's like to suffer. You, I'd dare guess, have wrestled and crawled your way through some days, some relationships, some seasons of suffering. You could write a book on it, I'm sure. So what do we know in suffering and in death?
When Jesus is central to the story, there is always hope. When a story, sometimes our story, starts to unwind and come undone, we urgently need to get ourselves to the feet of Jesus. His love is always consistent. God is always, always working for the greater good of His purpose. We know this. Romans 8 tells us this, "For we know that IN ALL THINGS, God works for the good of His people who are called according to His purpose." Who's purpose? His purpose.
If you've read this chapter or this story, you know what happens to Lazarus. Despite Mary's desperation. Despite Jesus loving him, what happens? He dies. This sermon through John 11 is so richly full with the pretense of Jesus' death and resurrection through the story of Lazarus, as we then read that Jesus raises Lazarus from the tomb. Here Jesus shows His power over death, the hope revealed to us.
One of the questions our LifeGroups will discuss this week is, what is it about death that causes us fear?
So what truth are we invited into by the conquering of Jesus over death and suffering? Excellent question, my friends! When we believe ... actually believe in who God is, what He is capable of and what His truth is, we have hope. Our belief holds us grounded in the storm of suffering, that this will not be wasted, but that He is working and using this for His perfect will. Do you believe?
Next steps:
- Join a LifeGroup- sign ups for this semester are still open, email
- Talk with one of our pastors. You can come by or call the church office at 209-532-1381.
- If you're new and wondering who we are and how you can connect in, please join us for the New To lunch on Nov. 6
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