PROOF: October 23

PROOF: October 23, 2022
Speaker: Nathan Milnik
Good Morning, Church and happy Monday. I stepped in to serve in Grounds, our coffee ministry, yesterday morning for the first time and absolutely loved it. Thank you for coming by and saying hi, grabbing a cup of coffee and enjoying community with one another. From that vantage point, it was a pure joy to witness how much of a family we are here at Sierra Bible. It was also funny to watch how many of you ditch out immediately after service. I'm coming for you.
Is there proof that God exists?
I joke about Nathan Milnik being our resident philosopher, but if you were in service on campus, live on YouTube or perhaps one of his former students, you know there's truth in this joke. And we're grateful for that because the message was incredible. The proof of God existing in cosmological explanations and the Doppler effect stirs logical thinking. The proof, however, in physical experiences causes transformation.
Let me ask, what do you say God has done in your life that has changed you and shown His divine love over you?
The argument for logic and proof in John 9 is over what happened to make a man blind, and then what happened when the blind man was no longer blind. Neighbors could not figure it out. The Pharisees were called and could not explain. The blind man's parents were questioned and left the story up to their son since he was of age and could speak for himself. The argument went round and round, but when the no longer blind man was asked, this was his response, "One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" (John 9:25).
What Jesus does here is flip the narrative on its head and combust the argument so that the works of God may be displayed through his life. What if our weakness can be our warrant? Do we concern ourselves too much with proving the existence of God while neglecting that God has radically changed our lives and there is something to show for it? Will we, though, trust that God will use what we have, the negative included for His good? Oh, church. This week's message hit my gut like a throat punch. God's doing something. Let's be a part of it!
Speaker: Nathan Milnik
Good Morning, Church and happy Monday. I stepped in to serve in Grounds, our coffee ministry, yesterday morning for the first time and absolutely loved it. Thank you for coming by and saying hi, grabbing a cup of coffee and enjoying community with one another. From that vantage point, it was a pure joy to witness how much of a family we are here at Sierra Bible. It was also funny to watch how many of you ditch out immediately after service. I'm coming for you.
Is there proof that God exists?
I joke about Nathan Milnik being our resident philosopher, but if you were in service on campus, live on YouTube or perhaps one of his former students, you know there's truth in this joke. And we're grateful for that because the message was incredible. The proof of God existing in cosmological explanations and the Doppler effect stirs logical thinking. The proof, however, in physical experiences causes transformation.
Let me ask, what do you say God has done in your life that has changed you and shown His divine love over you?
The argument for logic and proof in John 9 is over what happened to make a man blind, and then what happened when the blind man was no longer blind. Neighbors could not figure it out. The Pharisees were called and could not explain. The blind man's parents were questioned and left the story up to their son since he was of age and could speak for himself. The argument went round and round, but when the no longer blind man was asked, this was his response, "One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" (John 9:25).
What Jesus does here is flip the narrative on its head and combust the argument so that the works of God may be displayed through his life. What if our weakness can be our warrant? Do we concern ourselves too much with proving the existence of God while neglecting that God has radically changed our lives and there is something to show for it? Will we, though, trust that God will use what we have, the negative included for His good? Oh, church. This week's message hit my gut like a throat punch. God's doing something. Let's be a part of it!
Bulletin notes:
- Your weakness could be your warrant.
- Your transformation can be your testimony.
- Our faith in God emanates from personal experience, not logical proof.
- Fall Family Fun Night/ Trunk or Treat is THIS SUNDAY, October 30 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. on the SBC campus. Invite your friends, gather your children, dress up and get ready to have a blast!
- MOPS is starting again on Nov. 10. This is a wonderful, supportive group for moms who have a child or children ranging from infancy up through preschool-age. For more information or to help with childcare needs, email
- Our disc golf course is in need of signage. If your family or business would like to sponsor a hole sign for $80, please email
- YOUTH EVENT: Both the JHM and HSM will be on the hunt ... a pumpkin hunt! Join us on Oct. 29 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. More information here.
- SAVE THE DATE: Dave Bragonier with Barnabas Financial Ministries will be here on campus from Nov. 13-14 for the Get Your Financial House in Order seminar. Register on our website today!
- SAVE THE DATE: Our GriefShare ministry will be hosting a Surviving the Holidays event on campus, Nov. 10 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. This event is open to all! Register here:
Posted in Sermon Recap
Posted in proof, existence, God, testimony, evidence, transformation, weakness
Posted in proof, existence, God, testimony, evidence, transformation, weakness
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