Missions Update: SF City Impact

There's an estimated 2,500-3,000 children currently living in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. If you are unfamiliar with this area, it is widely know for food insecurity, violence, drugs and prostitution. San Francisco City Impact seeks to meet needs head on by:
Serving over 200 meals and groceries a day and visiting nearly 30 buildings each week, we remain committed to addressing hunger head-on while also providing opportunities for spiritual fulfillment, community engagement and awareness of resources. Through our personal and practical approach to hunger, many individuals have experienced life-changing transformation in the midst of substantial challenges.
Sierra Bible Church partners with SF City Impact in multiple ways. One is by leading groups to the Tenderloin in conjunction with Impact ministry leaders. There, we help prepare and deliver or serve food. Another way is by sponsoring and supporting the San Francisco City Academy. This academy is a private that began in 1997 when they realized there were no schools in that part of the city.
SFCA offers a faith-based education for students to develop a strong Biblical and Christ-centered foundation. Students will attend weekly chapels and engage in daily Bible lessons, including worship and prayer. Our teaching staff and school leadership adhere to SFCI's statement of faith and teach and lead students in Christ-centered character, that is infused into all aspects of teaching and learning.
Sierra Bible Church has been able to sponsor many of these students, helping with tuition, providing school supplies and healthy food options. What a joy it is to serve and love on God's children. Amen?
If you'd like to learn more about SF City Impact or the academy, or join a small team from SBC serving there from November 11-12, please email Lead Pastor, Nate Levering: nate@sierrabible.com.
There's an estimated 2,500-3,000 children currently living in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. If you are unfamiliar with this area, it is widely know for food insecurity, violence, drugs and prostitution. San Francisco City Impact seeks to meet needs head on by:
Serving over 200 meals and groceries a day and visiting nearly 30 buildings each week, we remain committed to addressing hunger head-on while also providing opportunities for spiritual fulfillment, community engagement and awareness of resources. Through our personal and practical approach to hunger, many individuals have experienced life-changing transformation in the midst of substantial challenges.
Sierra Bible Church partners with SF City Impact in multiple ways. One is by leading groups to the Tenderloin in conjunction with Impact ministry leaders. There, we help prepare and deliver or serve food. Another way is by sponsoring and supporting the San Francisco City Academy. This academy is a private that began in 1997 when they realized there were no schools in that part of the city.
SFCA offers a faith-based education for students to develop a strong Biblical and Christ-centered foundation. Students will attend weekly chapels and engage in daily Bible lessons, including worship and prayer. Our teaching staff and school leadership adhere to SFCI's statement of faith and teach and lead students in Christ-centered character, that is infused into all aspects of teaching and learning.
Sierra Bible Church has been able to sponsor many of these students, helping with tuition, providing school supplies and healthy food options. What a joy it is to serve and love on God's children. Amen?
If you'd like to learn more about SF City Impact or the academy, or join a small team from SBC serving there from November 11-12, please email Lead Pastor, Nate Levering: nate@sierrabible.com.

Tenderloin area of San Francisco
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