Building A Spiritual Legacy

SBC served as host for the Legacy Summit Grandparenting simulcast on October 21 and 22. 34 grandparents attended. Those who attended came away better equipped to be intentional Christian grandparents driven and committed to experience a sense of delightful urgency in being a good steward of the lessons we learned and passing them on to grandkids.
Below are some of the reasons people came to the conference and their number one response at the conclusion of the conference.
Reviews of the conference were:
Until next year, grandparents! Thanks for showing up. For more information on the Legacy Coalition, visit their website here.
Below are some of the reasons people came to the conference and their number one response at the conclusion of the conference.
- I love being a grandma
- I want more ideas about teaching my grandchildren
- I wanted to glean more good ideas from other grandparents
- I wanted to be a better grandparent
- I want to know my part in God’s story for my grandkids
- I want my grandchildren to know God
- Learn ways of sharing love
- I want to be the best grandparent I can be
Reviews of the conference were:
- Fantastic
- Lots of information to process
- To start today!
- I can’t wait to implement all that I have learned
- It was well worth the time
Until next year, grandparents! Thanks for showing up. For more information on the Legacy Coalition, visit their website here.
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