A Generous Life: November 13

A Generous Life: November 13, 2022
Speaker: Dave Bragonier
Barnabas Ministries
Speaker: Dave Bragonier
Barnabas Ministries
Happy Veteran's Sunday, folks!
I typically try to get these recaps out on Monday, so my apologies for it coming out on a Tuesday this week. What a full weekend. Actually, between our GriefShare 'Surviving the Holidays' event, LifeGroup semester wrap-up, AWANA, the Emmanuel Christmas rehearsals, high school and junior high programming, teams organizing the Food Pantry Christmas List items, the Get Your Financial House in Order seminar and MUCH MORE, we are full swing into a fuller season. Don't read "busy" when you read "full". It is FULL. Full of joy. Full of the greatest kinds of chaos. Full of packed calendars and teamwork. Full of giving and serving and kindness throughout our campus and community. IT IS FULL and we praise the Lord for that.
We hope you were able to join us online or on campus for the Sunday service (click here to watch on YouTube). Dave Bragonier with Barnabas Ministries explored financial freedom and what God's word says about the ways we should live when it comes to money. Perhaps money is a non-issue for you and these are the less awkward dinner conversations, but for many, we (yes, myself included) have struggled through learning the hard way and still sometimes cringe when the topic of finances arise. But like Dave said, if we're not talking about it, if we're not acknowledging the needs, those needs and the blessings go unmet. The freedoms strain and relationships can falter when there is a lack of wisdom, guidance and obedience. So what is it to be a steward of the finances and assets God has put in our possession?
The enemy is on the prowl to destroy and the negative stigma around money management plays into that. It comes into play when we fight with our spouse over debt and budgets and financial priorities. It comes into play with how we perceive generosity and need. It comes into play with the pride we have when we think we've got it all figured out and yet are floundering.
Wealth is much more than the actual monies and assets we have in our possession. It's the fullness of God in what He's given to us and living in the attitude that all is His. All we have in our possession is from Him and belongs to Him. So what are we doing with our money, generosity, possession, and talent to praise Him, serve His people and show His love?
We hope you were able to join us online or on campus for the Sunday service (click here to watch on YouTube). Dave Bragonier with Barnabas Ministries explored financial freedom and what God's word says about the ways we should live when it comes to money. Perhaps money is a non-issue for you and these are the less awkward dinner conversations, but for many, we (yes, myself included) have struggled through learning the hard way and still sometimes cringe when the topic of finances arise. But like Dave said, if we're not talking about it, if we're not acknowledging the needs, those needs and the blessings go unmet. The freedoms strain and relationships can falter when there is a lack of wisdom, guidance and obedience. So what is it to be a steward of the finances and assets God has put in our possession?
The enemy is on the prowl to destroy and the negative stigma around money management plays into that. It comes into play when we fight with our spouse over debt and budgets and financial priorities. It comes into play with how we perceive generosity and need. It comes into play with the pride we have when we think we've got it all figured out and yet are floundering.
Wealth is much more than the actual monies and assets we have in our possession. It's the fullness of God in what He's given to us and living in the attitude that all is His. All we have in our possession is from Him and belongs to Him. So what are we doing with our money, generosity, possession, and talent to praise Him, serve His people and show His love?
Some of the Food Pantry Team collecting and organizing the gifts (FROM YOU!) that have been donated and will be given out beginning this week for our food pantry clients.
At Sierra Bible Church, this is often what service and generosity look like. It's your hands and your feet and your heart pouring into our incredible community. The needs are great but we believe that God meets those needs with His greatness through His people. Amen?
During our staff meeting this morning, we celebrated the many ways that God is showing up through various ministries and people in our church family. I'd like to take a moment and share some of those celebrations with you:
This week, we hope that you take a moment to sit before the Lord, hands and heart open to what He wants to do with what you have. Praise be to God for His faithfulness.
During our staff meeting this morning, we celebrated the many ways that God is showing up through various ministries and people in our church family. I'd like to take a moment and share some of those celebrations with you:
- In voicing a need between services on Sunday morning, a couple in our congregation donated $1,000 (ON THE SPOT).
- When we called for LifeGroup leaders at the beginning of this semester, YOU showed up. We gathered on Sunday after second service and heard story after story of how God brought the right people to the right groups and God moved in providing serving opportunities, new connections, deeper questions into who God is and why God matters. Leaders were challenged. Groups grew. God moved. We can't wait to begin again in January!
- Students are coming back to church and filling up the portables and Worship Center. Evening groups are growing and diving in to God's word!
- Someone attended the financial seminar and voiced a need to one of our pastors and these needs are being COVERED because of our faithful givers.
- People in our community who "don't do church" are attending events like Fall Family Fun Night and Surviving the Holidays, where they are encountering God's love through His people.
This week, we hope that you take a moment to sit before the Lord, hands and heart open to what He wants to do with what you have. Praise be to God for His faithfulness.
- Make sure to sign someone up (here) for the GREAT COOKIE DELIVERY on Dec. 3. Our Worship Pastor, Bryan Stanton, is gathering a team of delivery drivers to drop off Christmas cookies. Local deliveries only and the last day to sign up or sign someone up is Dec. 1.
- November 27 at 5:30: Gather with us in the Worship Center for Advent wreath making and cookie decorating.
- The Men's Bible study will not be meeting on Nov. 21
- The "Living a Praying Life" Bible Study will not be meeting on Nov. 22.
- Grandmothers in Prayer will not be meeting on Nov. 22.
- GriefShare will not be meeting on Nov. 23.
- MOPS will be meeting on Dec. 8 from 9:00-11:00.
- For more information, visit us on our website- sierrabible.com
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